Animal Face Crochet Blanket Applique Motif

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Animal Face Crochet Blanket Applique Motif

Adding animal face appliques to a crochet blanket can transform a simple project into a whimsical, personalized masterpiece.

These motifs are perfect for baby blankets, children's throws, or any crochet project that needs a touch of fun and creativity.

In this article, we'll explore some tips and advice for creating animal face crochet appliques that will make your blankets stand out.

Choosing Your Animal Faces

Popular Animal Choices

Select animals that are easily recognizable and have simple, distinctive features. Some popular choices include:

  • Bears: With their round faces and small ears, bears are a classic choice.
  • Cats: Cats have prominent whiskers, ears, and eyes that make them an adorable addition.
  • Dogs: Dog faces can be customized with different ear shapes and colors.
  • Owls: Known for their large eyes and unique shape, owls add a whimsical touch.

Matching the Theme

Consider the overall theme of your blanket. If it's a jungle theme, you might include lions, elephants, and monkeys. For a farm theme, consider cows, pigs, and chickens. Matching the applique motifs to the blanket's theme enhances the overall design.

Yarn and Hook Selection


  • Soft and Durable: Choose a soft, durable yarn that is comfortable against the skin, especially if the blanket is for a baby or child.
  • Colors: Use vibrant colors to make the animal faces pop. Ensure the yarn colors contrast well with the blanket’s base color.

Hook Size

  • Appropriate Size: Use a hook size that matches the weight of your yarn. A smaller hook can help create tighter stitches for detailed features like eyes and noses.

Tips for Creating Animal Face Appliques

Simple Shapes

Start with basic shapes like circles, ovals, and triangles for the main parts of the face. These shapes can be easily combined and layered to form the features of various animals.

Detailing the Features

  • Eyes: Use small, contrasting yarn pieces or safety eyes to create expressive eyes. Placement is crucial for conveying the animal's character.
  • Noses and Mouths: Embroider noses and mouths with a simple stitch. For added dimension, consider using a small crochet piece for the nose.
  • Ears: Ears are essential for most animal faces. Make them in pairs and ensure they are symmetrical.

Attaching the Appliques

  • Secure Stitching: Attach the appliques securely to the blanket with a whip stitch or a similar method. This ensures the motifs stay in place even after washing.
  • Placement: Arrange the appliques before sewing them on to ensure even spacing and alignment. This helps create a balanced and visually appealing layout.

Adding Textures

  • Surface Crochet: Add details like whiskers, fur, or feathers using surface crochet techniques. This adds texture and interest to the appliques.
  • Layering: Layer different elements of the face, such as adding a muzzle on top of the main face shape, to create a more three-dimensional look.

Customization and Personalization

Mix and Match

Combine different animal faces to create a diverse and engaging blanket. Mixing and matching various animals keeps the design dynamic and entertaining.

Personal Touches

Add personalized touches like the initials of the child or favorite animals of the recipient. This makes the blanket more special and unique.

Maintenance and Care


Use washable yarns to ensure the blanket and its appliques are easy to care for. Hand washing or using a gentle machine cycle can help maintain the shape and integrity of the appliques.


Store the blanket properly to avoid damaging the appliques. Folding the blanket with tissue paper between layers can help prevent creases and preserve the shapes of the motifs.

Creating an animal face crochet blanket applique motif is a delightful way to add personality and charm to your crochet projects.

By following these tips and suggestions, you can craft adorable, detailed animal faces that will bring joy and whimsy to any blanket.

Whether for a baby shower gift, a child’s birthday, or just for fun, these appliques are sure to be a hit. Happy crocheting!

Images and patterns courtesy of  Hopeful Turns

Enjoy This Video Tutorial About Motif

Source: Hopeful Turns

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