Crochet a Pretty Small Purse: Easy and Fast Project for Beginners

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Crochet a Pretty Small Purse

Crocheting a small purse is not only a delightful project but also a quick and easy one, perfect for beginners. Today, we’re going to explore how to make a beautiful crochet purse that is both pretty and functional.

This project, designed by Crochet Cabin, is ideal for those just starting their crochet journey. With detailed instructions and a helpful video tutorial, you’ll be able to create a lovely small purse in no time.

First, let’s talk about the materials you’ll need. For this project, you’ll require some basic crochet supplies: yarn of your choice, a suitable crochet hook, a yarn needle, and a pair of scissors.

Choosing the right yarn is important; we recommend a medium-weight yarn for a sturdy yet elegant finish. The crochet hook size will depend on your chosen yarn, but typically, a 4.5mm to 5mm hook works well.

Now, let's get started with the crochet process. The beauty of this small crochet purse is that it involves basic stitches, making it a fantastic introduction to crocheting. We’ll be using the chain stitch, single crochet, and slip stitch. If you’re unfamiliar with these, don’t worry—the Crochet Cabin video tutorial provides clear, step-by-step guidance.

Begin by creating a foundation chain. This will determine the width of your purse. For a small purse, around 25 to 30 chains should suffice.

Once your foundation chain is ready, you’ll work single crochet stitches into each chain across. This forms the base of your purse. When you reach the end of the row, chain one and turn your work to begin the next row.

Continue working in single crochet rows until your piece reaches the desired height. For a small purse, approximately 20 to 25 rows should be enough. This part of the project is quite relaxing and allows you to get into a rhythm, perfect for beginners to practice their crochet skills.

Once the main piece is complete, we’ll fold it in half to form the purse. Use slip stitches to join the sides, creating a neat and sturdy seam. This method not only secures the sides but also adds a decorative touch to the purse’s edges.

Next, we’ll crochet a flap to close the purse. This is done by reattaching the yarn to the top edge of one side and working in rows, decreasing the number of stitches gradually to create a triangular shape. The flap adds both style and functionality to the purse.

To finish, we’ll add a simple button closure. Sew a button onto the front of the purse and create a small loop with a chain stitch on the flap to secure it. This not only keeps your belongings safe but also gives the purse a charming, finished look.

Following the Crochet Cabin tutorial, you’ll find that making this easy crochet purse is both enjoyable and rewarding. The video provides excellent visual instructions, making it easy to follow along even if you’re new to crochet.

Creating a small crochet purse is a fantastic way to develop your crochet skills while making something beautiful and useful.

This project is quick to complete, allowing you to see results fast and gain confidence in your abilities. Plus, it makes a wonderful handmade gift for friends and family.

We hope you enjoy making this pretty, easy, and fast crochet purse. For detailed step-by-step instructions, be sure to watch the video tutorial by Crochet Cabin. Happy crocheting!

Images and patterns courtesy of Crochet Cabin

Enjoy The Video Tutorial About this Pretty Small Purse

Source: Crochet Cabin

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