How to Crochet the Raspberry Stitch (Easy Way)

the Raspberry Stitch

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Today we want to share with you a special post:

The Ultimate Guide to Crochet Raspberry Stitch and Headband

Crochet is an amazing craft that lets you create beautiful and unique pieces, from scarves and hats to blankets and toys.

And, among all the stitches you can use, the raspberry stitch or bobble stitch is one of the most fun and versatile.

In this comprehensive guide, we will show you step by step how to crochet a raspberry stitch and how to put it into practice by making a charming headband.

How to Crochet a Raspberry Stitch is made by working four partially completed double crochets (dc) in the same stitch.

This gives the stitch a raised, bumpy texture that resembles raspberries, hence its name. Here is the process in detail:

Step 1: Make 4 partially completed double crochets in the same stitch. To do this, insert the hook into the stitch, yarn over and pull up a loop, yarn over and pull through one loop. Repeat this process three more times in the same stitch, for a total of 4 partially completed double crochets.

Step 2: Yarn over and pull through all 5 loops on the hook.

Step 3: Chain 1 to close the raspberry stitch.

How to Crochet a Raspberry Headband Now that you know how to crochet the raspberry stitch, you can use it to make a sweet and cozy headband.

The headband is crocheted in rows, alternating the raspberry stitch with single crochets. Here is what you need to know:


  • Worsted weight yarn
  • Crochet hook
  • Scissors
  • Tapestry needle


Step 1: Chain a multiple of 5, plus 2. The number of chains will depend on the desired width of the headband.

Step 2: Start crocheting the first row by making a single crochet in the third chain from the hook. Then, make a raspberry stitch in the next stitch. Alternate single crochets and raspberry stitches until the end of the row.

Step 3: Chain 2 and turn. Make a raspberry stitch in the first single crochet of the previous row. Alternate single crochets and raspberry stitches until the end of the row. Repeat this pattern until the headband reaches the desired length.

Step 4: Fasten off and weave in the ends. The headband is ready to wear!

The raspberry stitch is a fun and unique way to add texture and dimension to your crochet projects. And, with this guide, you now know how to crochet the raspberry stitch and how to make a charming headband with it!

Enjoy The Crochet Video Tutorial

Source: epicabundance

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the Raspberry Stitch

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