How to Crochet a Round Handle Purse for Summer

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Round Handle Summer Purse - Free Crochet Pattern

Enjoy summer style with our Round Handle Summer Purse Crochet Pattern.

This delightful project offers a quick and easy way to craft a charming accessory perfect for warm-weather outings.

In this article, we'll guide you through the steps to create this trendy purse, share a video tutorial by mjsoffthehook, and provide some tips to ensure your project is a success.

Whether you're a beginner or looking for a fun and simple crochet project, this pattern is perfect for you.

What do You Need?

Before we dive into the pattern, let's gather the materials you'll need:

  • 100% cotton yarn: This type of yarn is ideal for summer projects because it's lightweight and breathable.
  • Two wooden round handles: These handles will give your purse a stylish and sturdy finish.
  • Crochet hook: Use a hook size that matches your yarn weight.
  • Scissors: For cutting your yarn.
  • Tapestry needle: For weaving in ends and assembling the purse.

Pattern Overview

The Round Handle Summer Purse is designed in two pieces, which are then worked onto the wooden handles. The pattern features a textured stitch technique using half double crochet stitches between the stitches, creating a unique look and feel.

Once completed, the purse measures a fashionable 16.5" x 13", including the handle, making it a versatile addition to your collection.

Difficulty Level: Beginner

This pattern is perfect for beginners. It's written in standard American terms and includes clear instructions, making it easy to follow even if you're new to crochet.

Step-by-Step Instructions

Step 1: Creating the Front and Back Panels

  1. Foundation Chain: Begin by making a foundation chain that matches the width of the purse. For this pattern, you’ll need to chain enough stitches to reach 16.5 inches.
  2. Half Double Crochet: Work half double crochet stitches into each chain across. Turn your work.
  3. Textured Stitch Technique: For the textured stitch, work your half double crochet stitches between the stitches of the previous row instead of into the top loops. This creates a unique texture.
  4. Continue: Repeat the half double crochet rows, maintaining the textured stitch pattern, until the panel measures 13 inches in height.

Step 2: Assembling the Purse

  1. Joining Panels: Lay the two panels on top of each other, right sides facing out. Using a slip stitch or single crochet, join the sides and bottom of the panels together, leaving the top open.
  2. Attaching Handles: With the open top of the purse, attach the wooden round handles. Fold the top edge over the handle and secure it by stitching it in place with your yarn and tapestry needle.

Step 3: Finishing Touches

  1. Weave in Ends: Use your tapestry needle to weave in any loose ends for a clean finish.
  2. Blocking (Optional): If desired, block your purse to shape it properly and give it a polished look.

For a visual guide, be sure to watch the video tutorial by mjsoffthehook. This helpful video walks you through each step of the process, making it even easier to follow along and complete your project.

Tips for Success

  • Choose the Right Yarn: Using 100% cotton yarn ensures your purse is durable and perfect for summer outings.
  • Practice the Textured Stitch: If you're new to the textured stitch technique, practice on a small swatch before starting your purse.
  • Customize Your Purse: Feel free to add embellishments like tassels, beads, or fabric linings to personalize your purse.

Creating the Round Handle Summer Purse is a fun and rewarding project that adds a touch of handmade charm to your summer wardrobe.

With its easy-to-follow pattern and stylish design, this purse is sure to become one of your favorite accessories.

Whether you're making it for yourself or as a last-minute gift, this free crochet pattern from mjsoffthehook is perfect for beginners and experienced crocheters alike.

Images and patterns courtesy of

Enjoy This Video Tutorial About Round Handle Summer Purse


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