Thai Flower Stitch Crochet - Pillowcase with Buttons

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Crochet Thai Flower Stitch Pillowcase with Buttons

Creating a crochet pillowcase using the Thai flower stitch is a delightful way to add elegance and charm to your home decor.

This intricate stitch pattern, combined with the functionality of buttons, makes for a beautiful and practical addition to any room.

In this article, we'll explore the benefits of using the Thai flower stitch, provide tips for making a pillowcase, and offer advice on incorporating buttons into your design.

Benefits of the Thai Flower Stitch

Unique Texture and Visual Appeal

The Thai flower stitch creates a floral motif that adds a three-dimensional texture to your projects. This stitch is perfect for making standout pieces like pillowcases, where the intricate pattern can be fully appreciated.


The Thai flower stitch can be adapted to various projects beyond pillowcases, such as blankets, scarves, and garments. Learning this stitch will enhance your crochet repertoire and allow you to create a wide range of decorative items.


When worked correctly, the Thai flower stitch creates a dense and durable fabric. This makes it ideal for items that will be used frequently, such as pillowcases, ensuring they maintain their beauty and structure over time.

Tips for Crocheting a Thai Flower Stitch Pillowcase

Choosing the Right Yarn

Select a yarn that highlights the intricate details of the Thai flower stitch. A medium-weight yarn (like DK or worsted weight) in a solid or lightly variegated color works best. Avoid highly variegated or textured yarns, as they can obscure the stitch pattern.

Maintaining Consistent Tension

The beauty of the Thai flower stitch lies in its uniformity. To achieve this, maintain consistent tension throughout your work. Practice on a small swatch first to get comfortable with the stitch and ensure your tension is even.

Adding Buttons

Buttons not only add a decorative element but also make your pillowcase functional. Here are some tips for incorporating buttons into your design:

  1. Button Placement: Plan the placement of your buttons before you start crocheting. Typically, buttons are placed along one edge of the pillowcase opening. Ensure they are evenly spaced for a neat finish.
  2. Buttonholes: Create buttonholes that are the right size for your buttons. You can use simple chain loops or more complex buttonhole stitches, depending on your preference and the size of the buttons.
  3. Button Selection: Choose buttons that complement your yarn color and the overall design of your pillowcase. Decorative buttons can add an extra touch of elegance, while simple, understated buttons can keep the focus on the Thai flower stitch.

Finishing Touches

The finishing touches can make a big difference in the overall appearance of your pillowcase. Here are some tips:

  1. Blocking: Block your finished pillowcase to even out the stitches and enhance the stitch definition. This will give your pillowcase a professional finish.
  2. Seaming: Use an invisible seam technique, such as the mattress stitch, to join the sides of your pillowcase. This will create a seamless look and maintain the integrity of the Thai flower stitch pattern.
  3. Edge Treatment: Consider adding a decorative edge to your pillowcase, such as a simple single crochet border or a more intricate picot edge. This will give your pillowcase a polished look and can help frame the Thai flower stitch pattern.

Creative Variations

Color Changes

Experiment with color changes to add depth and interest to your pillowcase. You can create stripes, blocks of color, or even use multiple colors within the Thai flower stitch pattern for a vibrant effect.


Add embellishments like beads, sequins, or embroidery to enhance the beauty of your Thai flower stitch pillowcase. These extra touches can make your pillowcase unique and personalized.

Size Adjustments

Customize the size of your pillowcase to fit different pillows. Adjust the number of stitches and rows according to the dimensions of your pillow form. This flexibility allows you to create pillowcases for various pillow sizes and shapes.

Creating a Thai flower stitch pillowcase with buttons is a rewarding project that combines beauty, functionality, and creativity.

By following these tips and suggestions, you can craft a stunning pillowcase that showcases your crochet skills and adds a touch of elegance to your home.

Enjoy the process of working with this intricate stitch and the satisfaction of completing a project that is both decorative and practical. Happy crocheting!

Images and patterns courtesy of Cabana de ganchillo

Enjoy This Video Tutorial About Pillow

Source: Cabana de ganchillo

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