How Fast Can Humans Run?

Ever wonder how fast a human can run? You are not alone. It's great to think about the capabilities of the body, especially when it comes to physical feats like Eddie Hall's incredible 1,102-pound deadlift and Usain Bolt's impressive 100-meter dash in 9.58 seconds.

However, these impressive achievements are far from normal. Olympians can run at speeds in excess of 20 miles per hour, but what about the average person who does not have the training capabilities, or genetic makeup, of a world champion?

How fast can the average human run?

Average human running speed may surprise you. While there are no precise and quick statistics for this question, we can look at a number of different statistics to make an assumption.

There is limited data that is not theoretical or self-reported computer modeling concepts, that is, it is not entirely objective, so consider these numbers with caution.

According to a large RunRepeat study based on more than 34 million race results, average race times are approximately:

35 minutes for 5K
One hour and two minutes for a 10K
Two hours and 14 minutes for a half marathon.
Four hours and 26 minutes for a full marathon.
A different set of data based on the results of 10,000 races says that the average time in miles during a 5km race is 11.47 per mile.2 At 3.1 miles, that's 36 minutes and 37 seconds, which is very close to the RunRepeat data.

However, it should be noted that this data is collected from the results of the race. Just because a runner participates in a race does not mean that he is running or running as fast as he can. Many runners run for fun or to help a friend walk or to train.

What is the maximum human running speed?

Any number you see regarding the maximum running speed of humans is mostly speculation. As Usain Bolt holds the title of fastest runner in the world, it's safe to assume that his top speed of roughly 28 miles per hour is as fast as humans (until that record is broken, of course).

However, some scientists believe that humans can run at speeds of up to 40 miles per hour. That is as fast as the traffic on many roads!

Specifically, a 2010 study used computer modeling to show that based on the pounds of force human muscle fibers can withstand before breaking, the world's fastest humans may not be running as fast as they actually can.

Computer models are completely theoretical, so for now, let's hold the well-known world record of almost 45 kilometers per hour (which is still pretty fast).

As a side brow-raising observation, some scientists think that humans can only get faster if we start running on all fours.4 That would take a bit of practice for most of us!

What affects your running speed?

Many factors influence how fast you can run, and your running speed can change from day to day. Some things that affect your speed include:

your effort
your shoes
If you have any external weight on you, such as a backpack or hydration vest
the terrain you are running
weather conditions
your hydration status
How many hours did you sleep the night before the race?
Your training volume
The type of training you do (for example, weight lifting or other types of cross training)
How much experience do you have running?
Genetic and physical factors such as the length of your legs.
Even your mood and the music you choose to listen to can affect your running performance on any given day.


We hope you enjoy watching this video about How Fast Can Humans Run?

Source: CuriousReason


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