The Importance Of Breakfast For Faster Weight Loss

Have you ever heard that eating breakfast can increase your metabolism? Ready to stock up on breakfast foods to help you burn more calories? It may seem logical that eating first thing in the morning speeds up your metabolism. But researchers studying the importance of breakfast for weight loss don't necessarily agree. If you are trying to lose weight, make sure you get the weight loss results you deserve.

The importance of breakfast to lose weight

Do you need to eat breakfast to speed up your metabolism and lose weight? Not necessarily, say the researchers.

Health suit

When it comes to studying breakfast and metabolism, the science is not conclusive. In fact, there is no research showing that breakfast can increase metabolism.

When members of the American Nutrition Society got together to discuss the importance of breakfast, they looked at studies on meal frequency and weight loss. Your conclusion? Since eating habits are very difficult to study, research has not been able to show that eating breakfast, or any meal in particular, can increase metabolism.

In fact, they haven't found data to suggest that how often we eat has any effect on how many calories you burn each day.

A statement issued by the International Society for Sports Nutrition reinforced this conclusion. The group said: "Increasing the frequency of meals does not appear to significantly increase diet-induced thermogenesis, total energy expenditure or resting metabolic rate."

In real terms, this means that eating regular meals does not have a direct effect on how many calories we burn throughout the day.

What nutritionists say about eating breakfast to boost metabolism

You may be tempted to dismiss science because it seems logical that eating breakfast can boost your metabolism. And a healthy breakfast is good, right? But even registered nutritionists know what breakfast can and cannot do for you if you want to lose weight.

Should I have breakfast to lose weight?

If you are on a diet and don't know how to increase your metabolism to lose weight, don't worry. The science about breakfast doesn't mean you should skip breakfast.

Just because eating breakfast doesn't improve your metabolism doesn't mean you should skip a meal entirely. There are certainly benefits to eating a healthy breakfast and eating regular meals throughout the day.

But it is important to understand the importance of breakfast if you want to lose weight. Breakfast is neither more nor less important than any other meal.

What matters is the total calorie intake for the day. Eat healthy, low-calorie meals to help control hunger and avoid bingeing. Then use exercise and an active lifestyle to boost your metabolism and lose weight forever.

We hope you enjoy watching this video about The Importance Of Breakfastย 

Source: Healthcare Triage

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