10 Tips for Watering Plants Growing in Containers

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Watering Plants Growing in Containers

Gardening outdoors has many benefits, but it also presents some challenges. One of these challenges is watering well, which is essential for plant health. While most gardeners worry about plants underwater, the reality is that it is so easy to overwater and drown the plants with too much water.

Here are ten tips and best practices for watering gardens with outdoor containers.

Know Your Plants

Whether the plants are grown in the ground or in containers, the soil that the vast majority of garden plants need is "moist, but well-drained soil." This means a soil that is not constantly soggy or saturated, capable of draining well so that the soil is slightly moist. Fortunately, with modern potting mixes designed for good drainage, this is easier to achieve than before.

We all know that different types of plants can have different soil moisture requirements. Some plants like to stay dry, others like to dry out a bit between waterings, and there are those that faint and drop all the buds and leaves when they are less dry.

As a general rule of thumb, most flowering annuals don't like soil conditions that are too dry; succulents prefer the soil to be a little dry; and vegetables, especially succulents (tomatoes, cucumbers, melons), love the earth to keep it always moist.

Some herbs (basil, rosemary, thyme, dill, oregano, coriander) are better when the soil dries up between waterings, enhancing its flavor. Other herbs like parsley, sage, and chives prefer more moisture.

One method of monitoring a plant's moisture needs is to keep and store the plant labels nearby, in a plastic bag, stick, or glue, under the container, or embedded in the ground next to the plant.

Choose the Right Soil

Soil producers offer different soil formulas to make things easier for you. Products labeled "generic potting soil" are intended to provide the "moist but well-draining" quality that most plants prefer. Soils labeled "cacti and succulents" contain faster draining sand, providing an ideal environment for plants that thrive in dry conditions. Other potting mixes may be advertised as suitable for growing vegetables; These mixes are formulated to absorb and retain water slightly better than standard potting mixes.

Soils labeled "moisture control" generally contain a higher percentage of peat, coconut, and other wetting agents. They are said to "prevent over and under watering" but are actually best suited for plants that require moist soil, such as annual greens and flowers.

Remember that some posts contain time-release fertilizers. There is nothing wrong with that, as long as the nutrients are appropriate for the plants you want to grow. If you are using pre-fertilized soil, you do not need to fertilize your container with water-soluble vegetable fertilizer.

Filling containers with flowerbed soil or purchasing ready-to-use products labeled "garden soil" for containers is not recommended for a variety of reasons: garden soil is not recommended. It does not provide adequate drainage or aeration, is very heavy and dense, compacts easily, and soil pulled directly from beds can contain contaminants such as soil-borne diseases, pests, and weed seeds.

Use the Right Kind of Containers

Many garden containers are porous, which can cause the soil to dry out quickly. Terracotta containers and coconut fiber hanging baskets are famous for their quick drying. Metal containers can also dramatically increase the temperature of the soil in the containers, quickly drying out the soil and roasting the plants. You can use containers made from these materials, but you should check them carefully and water them more often than plastic or glazed ceramic containers.

If possible, buy the largest containers you can and that is appropriate for the area where you will put them. The general rule of thumb is that outer containers should be no less than 25 centimeters in diameter; If it is smaller, they dry very quickly and the containers can quickly stick to the root.

Larger containers hold more soil and moisture to leave enough room for roots to grow and absorb water and nutrients. The smaller the pot, the more diligent you need to be in monitoring soil moisture levels.

Check Moisture Levels

Before watering a container, make sure the plants need water. Too much water is just as bad as too little water. The soil on the surface of the container may feel dry to the touch, but it may be wet a few inches below the surface.

To test the container for moisture, try the following: Push your finger into the dirt as much as possible or at least the second seal. If the soil is dry within easy reach, the plants need water. Humidity levels can change quickly on a hot summer day, so a container that seems quite humid in the morning can be dry by mid-afternoon.

Water Deeply

The most important thing to remember when watering containers is to water deeply; this means that you should see water coming out of the drain holes in the bottom of the container. If you don't see water flowing from the bottom of the container, it means you haven't watered enough.

Healthy root systems grow quickly and branch through the soil to the bottom of the container. Soaking the container ensures that the water reaches the entire root system. Deep watering encourages plants to develop strong root systems and this provides better nutrition for plants.

Frequent, shallow watering encourages the roots to stay close to the soil surface, where they are more sensitive to heat and drought and less able to absorb available nutrients deeper into the container.

Water in the Morning

According to Horticulture magazine, plants are more receptive to morning watering and less to the midday sun. The morning is ideal because it provides enough moisture for the plants throughout the day, there is less evaporation from wind and heat, and it allows wet foliage to dry out before sunset.

Nighttime watering is not recommended as the foliage does not have enough time to dry before sunset. Wet foliage can lead to fungal diseases, such as powdery mildew.

However, not everyone has the opportunity to water the containers in the morning, due to the pressure of taking children to school or work. If you can't water the containers in the morning, water them when they are dry, regardless of the time of day.

Water the Soil, Not the Foliage

Plants absorb water through their roots, not through leaves, stems, or flowers. Then, to properly water your containers, apply the water to the soil where it will reach and be absorbed by the roots of the plants. Watering the foliage can increase the risk of fungus and other diseases, and water is still wasted.

Another reason to keep foliage dry during watering is that some plants, especially those with hairy leaves, can be susceptible to sunburn in the scorching sun. The water droplets adhere to small strands of hair, and when water collects on them, the water droplets can act as mini granules. Sunburn does not occur on leaves with a smooth surface.

Don't Rely on Rain

Even if you think torrential rain has flooded your containers, don't be so sure, as this is generally not true. The foliage of the plant can act as an umbrella and prevent water from reaching the ground. With containers full of mature plants, the soil may not even be visible, making it impossible for rain to penetrate dense vegetation. The amount of rain, even in a heavy storm, may not be enough to completely saturate the container floor from top to bottom. Make the decisions with your own hands and check the humidity of the container yourself, even after heavy rain.

Don't Let the Soil Dry Out Completely

Most potting mixes get tough, tough, and stop absorbing water effectively if you let them dry completely. Dry compost can also flake off the sides of the bins. So even if you think you're applying enough water, the water can run down the sides of the container and run down the bottom, leaving your plants breathless.

If the soil in the container dries up, here are two ways to rehydrate it:

  • If the container is relatively small, submerge it completely in a larger container or submerge it with water. Remove the small container when it stops bubbling.
  • If the container is large and difficult to move or lift, drill holes in the ground with a pencil or skewer. Next, apply a slow stream of fresh water to the ground, making sure the ground absorbs water. Repeat this process until the soil is smooth and completely moist.

Don't Assume Once Is Enough

Depending on the weather, the size of your containers, and the type of soil you use, don't be surprised if you need to water your containers more than once a day.

Heat, wind, and dry air can quickly dry out your plants. Terracotta metal containers and coconut fiber hanging baskets can dry incredibly fast on a hot, windy summer day.

During the growing period, you will know which of the hanging containers and baskets dries the fastest. When planting containers for the first time, check the humidity in the morning and again in the afternoon to see which containers need more water than others. You may find that watering once in the morning is not enough. A small container (ten inches or less in diameter) may require three waterings a day in extremely hot, dry weather.

Enjoy This Video Tutorial About 5 Watering Mistakes You're Probably Making

Source: Epic Gardening

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