Build Your Own Raised Beds EASY and CHEAP!

Raised beds can be as simple or creative as you like. A raised bed planter can be a permanent fixture for perennials to establish and mature.
The initial cost of keeping your raised bed will depend on how elaborate you make it, but once in place, maintaining raised beds is no more expensive than traditional gardens. They offer many benefits.
By making a raised bed rather than burying it, you can place it where sun or shade is best for the plants you want to grow. It can also prevent tunnel pests from destroying your plants. Plants can be healthier and more productive in raised beds because you can control soil quality and water drainage.
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What is a raised garden bed?
Raised bed gardening involves growing plants in higher-than-ground soil. You can usually do this with some type of cabinet or frame made from wood, stone, hay bales, or even reclaimed material, like old sideboards. Here's an awesome tutorial on how to easily make your own raised garden beds and assemble them!
We hope you enjoy this video about How to Build Raised Beds for Your Garden:
Source: The Gardening Channel With James Prigioni
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