Aglaonema Care Guide: A Newbie-Proof Houseplant

Green plants are beautiful, but sometimes we crave brighter colors and bold patterns. The aglaonema plant, also known as the Chinese evergreen, offers both.

This compact and easy-to-grow houseplant is loved for its vibrant colors and patterns, ranging from jungle green, pink, red, silver, and yellow to stripes, spots, and gradients. So if your space needs some color, aglaonema is the plant for you.

In addition to these plants' spectacular appearance, the aglaonema is also laid-back, compact, and best of all, great at communicating its needs, making it an ideal choice for beginning plant parents.

However, you will need to be very careful about placement, as aglaonema is toxic to humans and pets.

We hope you enjoy this video about Aglaonema Care Guide:

Source: Epic Gardening

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Last update on 2025-01-26 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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