Astrophytum Cactus (Star Cactus): Plant Care & Growing Guide

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How to Grow Astrophytum Cactus (Star Cactus)

Astrophytum is a genus that now includes six North American cactus species found in Mexico and some areas of the US Three of the six species are fairly common in residential cultivation and are sometimes known collectively as star cactus, honoring the ribbed structure that is star-shaped when viewed from above.

The body is covered by halos from which black or gold spines protrude. Many of the species grow white in flocks on the body, an adaptation designed to protect plant tissues from sunlight.

Astrophytum cacti are known for their beautiful growth habit and unusual shape (sometimes known as "living rocks"), as well as the beautiful yellow flowers that extend from the top.

Astrophytum species, like most cacti, generally grow very slowly. Although mature specimens are quite impressive, it can take years to feed an Astrophytum to that level.

They are also very difficult plants to grow; They are often grafted onto an Echinopsis cactus for best results. Although they are not easy plants to grow, when grown correctly they are some of the most beautiful cacti in North America.

Botanical NameAstrophytum spp.
Common NamesStar cactus (individual species are known by other common names)
Plant TypeCactus
Mature Size2 inches to 6 feet (varies by species)
Sun ExposureFull sun
Soil TypeCoarse, sandy soil; cactus potting mix
Soil pH7.0 to 8.0 (neutral to slightly alkaline)
Bloom TimeVaries by species
Flower ColorYellow
Hardiness Zones9 to 11 (USDA)
Native AreaMexico, portions of Southwest U.S.

Astrophytum Cactus Care

The needs of an Astrophytum cactus are the same as other cacti: rough, porous soil and plenty of sunlight. Although this cactus can be grown as a landscape garden specimen in a suitable climate, it is most commonly used as a potted specimen for growing indoors or on terraces and patios.

Astrophytums are not vigorous plants and require a lot of patience to reach their full potential. Continue to water and feed them regularly throughout the growing season and transplant them annually to give them room to thrive. They need a dry and warm winter; be sure not to over water them, which can lead to root rot. If given enough care, they will develop beautiful flowers when they reach maturity.

Watch out for common cactus pests like aphids and scales; They can often be cured with a good eco-friendly pesticide or can simply be wiped clean.


Give Astrophytum cacti plenty of sunlight, at least 6 hours a day if grown outdoors. As a potted houseplant, it can do well in a window that receives direct sunlight or strong indirect light.


Like most cacti, these species need reasonably sandy, well-drained soil and are likely to die in rich, moisture-retaining soils.


Despite their reputation as desert plants, many cacti, including Astrophytum species, do best if the soil is well soaked between periods when it dries out completely. A potted plant should receive a decent watering once a month during the growing season, but make sure the roots of the plant are not in the water. During winter, watering may be less frequent.

Temperature and Humidity

These cacti love warm temperatures above 70 degrees Fahrenheit all summer long, making mild winter conditions slightly cooler. High humidity is not recommended for these plants.


Fertilize during the growing season with a balanced fertilizer, such as 20-20-20, mixed with water.

Astrophytum Cacti Species

Astrophytum myriostigma (commonly called the bishop's hat, bishop's hat, or bishop's miter cactus) has a star-shaped structure that takes on the domed appearance of a bishop's cap. It has three to seven well-defined ribs and can exceed 3 feet tall and 8 inches in diameter when grown in the garden, although as a houseplant it is generally less than 1 foot tall. The flowers are creamy yellow with an orange or red base.

Astrophytum capricorne  (commonly called the goat's horn cactus) grows approximately 25 inches tall and 10 inches in diameter. It has a grayish-green color with prominent veins and yellow flowers.

Astrophytum ornatum  (Bishop's Cap or Monk Cactus) is the tallest member of the genus, growing up to 6 feet tall and 30 inches wide. It blooms with yellow flowers all summer. This is the fastest growing species of the genus.

Astrophytum asterias  (known as sand dollar cactus, sea urchin cactus, star cactus, or star peyote) is a short, squat cactus that reaches only about 2 inches in height and 6 inches in diameter. This is a rare and difficult species to grow, rarely seen in residential use.

Astrophytum caput-medusae is a rare and endangered species that does not have the same star-shaped structure as other members of the genus. Instead, it has narrow cylindrical stems up to 7 inches long, with yellow flowers. This species is rarely grown as a residential plant.

Astrophytum coahuilense is another rare species that is rarely cultivated. It closely resembles A. myriostigma, with five ribs and similar size, but its body is a duller gray color.

Propagating Astrophytum Cacti

Astrophytum cacti are propagated by seeds, which can be harvested from dried flowers. These seeds are quite fragile; be gentle with them before planting them in a tray or pot filled with cactus potting mix. Cover the seeds with potting soil. Be patient, as it can take several years for the seeds to develop into flowering plants.

The seeds have a reasonably short shelf life and must be planted quickly after harvest to have a reasonable chance of rooting. Close the pot or pan with a plastic lid to help contain moisture and heat. It may be helpful to soak the seeds before planting them.

As soon as the seedlings appear, uncover the tray or pot and gradually acclimatize with growing periods to direct sunlight. In just a few weeks, the seedlings can be transplanted into their permanent containers filled with cactus potting mix.

Potting and Repotting

Repeat these cacti regularly to help them grow. Astrophytums must be replanted early in the growing season for them to become the stunning specimens the genus is known for. Wearing sturdy gloves, remove the plant in one go, then move it to a larger pot and fill it with potting soil. Do not water or overfeed newly regenerated cacti, as the ailment can be difficult for them.

Enjoy This Video Tutorial About How to Propagate Astrophytum Cactus

Source: Summer Rayne Oakes

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