Best Full Sun Vegetables

What are the full sun vegetables? Whether you buy vegetable seedlings from your local nursery or start your own plants, you've probably noticed that many garden vegetables are labeled "full sun."

But what does "full sun" mean?

Simply put, vegetables in full sun are those that require a minimum of 6 hours of direct sunlight per day.

Direct sunlight is not shaded or filtered by buildings, trees, fences, trellises, or other garden plants. And while 6 hours is considered the minimum, the best vegetables in the sun may require 8 or more hours of sunlight in cloudy or northern climates.

You'll find that the list of veggies in the full sun includes many of your garden favorites. These plants use the energy acquired from the sun through photosynthesis to produce a large number of fruits.

While these plants can be grown in less sunny locations, they will not be as productive as those that receive large amounts of sunlight every day.

To determine which areas of your yard receive total sun exposure, you can purchase a device to measure sunlight or use an app on your phone. But the least expensive option is to simply map your garden's sunlight exposure on paper.

If you find that your "buried" garden does not provide enough sunlight, remember that many of the best vegetables in the sun can also be grown in containers on a sunny porch or patio.

Vegetables That Likes Full Sun


This early maturing crop is not only tasty but can be planted in areas that are shaded later in the season by taller plants.


As one of the plants used in the three sisters combination, corn provides support for the beans and gives minimal shade to the squash that grows around the base of the stems.


From tiny cucumbers to large sliced ​​nuggets, these crunchy treats love the heat and sunlight. Eggplant: These delicious purple veggies can be difficult to grow in colder climates. A sunny location and attention to flea beetles keep the eggplants healthy and productive.


From green beans to dried legumes, these veggies in full sun are one of the easiest to grow. When planting pole varieties, consider trellis so as not to shade other plants on your all-solar vegetable list.

Bell Peppers

A favorite among gardeners, bell peppers are one of the easiest and best full sun vegetables to grow in a home garden. Choose from mild varieties of bell peppers and hot.

Pumpkins, Squashes, and Zucchini

Native to the tropics, these sun-loving cucurbits are quite prolific and easy to grow. Even novice gardeners will be blessed with a large number of products.


With a variety of fruit sizes and colors available, garden tomatoes round out the list of whole-grain vegetables in the sun. The garden, shrubs, and certain varieties are shortened and less likely to shade other sun-loving, vegetarian plants.

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Source: Self Sufficient Me

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Last update on 2025-02-18 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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