Discover 5 New Ways to Propagate Edible Plants

One of the most exciting things about starting your own vegetable garden is the overwhelming sense of possibility. A small plant or seed has the ability to provide you and many other amazing and vital benefits.
Whether a plant grows to provide food for you and your family, shade, habitat for wildlife, mulch and nutrients for the soil, or just inspiration and joy, it adds value to the Earth.
Learning how to take cuttings and how to propagate them opens up a whole new world of possibilities! You can clone your favorite plants to enhance your garden or trade, gift, and trade to share your outdoor space with others.
In this video, you will learn 5 easy ways to propagate edible plants!
We hope you enjoy this video about 5 Easy Ways to Propagate Edible Plants:
Source: Morag Gamble : Our Permaculture Life
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