Goldfish Plant: Care & Growing Guide

The goldfish plant (Nematanthus gregarious) is admired for its distinctive, fish-like flowers in vibrant shades of reddish-orange, red, and yellow that bloom primarily in spring and summer. When fully mature, especially in hanging baskets, it’s a captivating sight. Known for being long-lived, with proper care, this plant can thrive for up to a decade indoors, adding an enduring splash of color to any room.

Essential Care for Goldfish Plants

The goldfish plant can grow up to three feet in outdoor environments, but pinching back new stems and keeping it under two feet encourages bushier growth and more prolific blooming. Older stems cascade attractively over the sides of pots, creating a lush display in hanging baskets.

Being tropical, the goldfish plant is somewhat sensitive to high temperatures and leaf humidity. If leaves start to darken or fall off, it could signal excessive heat or moisture on the leaves. Additionally, keep an eye out for common pests like aphids, spider mites, and mealybugs, as these insects are particularly attracted to this plant.

Light Requirements

The goldfish plant flourishes in bright, indirect light. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight, which can scorch its delicate leaves. An east-facing window is ideal, though supplemental indoor lighting during winter can also support healthy growth and bloom.

Ideal Soil Conditions

A light, well-draining potting mix is essential for this plant’s health. In nature, goldfish plants are epiphytes, growing on other plants without drawing nutrients from them. A soil mix fortified with organic material, or a blend suited for African violets, provides the perfect environment.

Watering Tips

During warmer months, water your goldfish plant thoroughly, keeping the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. In winter, reduce watering slightly, allowing the soil to dry a bit between watering sessions. However, avoid letting it dry out completely, as this can hinder flower production.

Temperature and Humidity Needs

Despite its tropical origins, the goldfish plant thrives in moderate temperatures between 65°F and 75°F. A light to moderate humidity level is ideal, and daily misting with room-temperature water can provide a suitable environment. Cold water can damage foliage, so ensure any misting or watering is done with lukewarm water. In particularly dry indoor environments, a humidifier placed nearby can be beneficial.

Fertilizing for Optimal Growth

For lush growth and plentiful blooms, apply a balanced, weak liquid fertilizer weekly during the growing season. Look for one that includes micronutrients to support healthy blooms. Controlled-release fertilizer granules are also a convenient option and work well for this plant.

Popular Goldfish Plant Varieties

Through years of hybridization, there are now around 25 varieties of goldfish plants, each featuring unique flower colors and leaf shapes. These plants are related to African violets, and some varieties share the same soft, hairy leaves. Like African violets, avoid getting the leaves wet to prevent fungal issues. The ‘Fire Light’ variety is a standout with its variegated leaves, while others boast vibrant red or yellow flowers.

Propagation by Cuttings

Propagating goldfish plants from stem cuttings is straightforward. Select cuttings from the tips of stems without flower buds and approximately two to three inches long. Using a rooting hormone can boost success rates. Place the cuttings in a warm, bright area and keep the soil moist until new growth emerges. Note that propagated plants will likely not bloom until the summer following propagation.

Potting and Repotting

Goldfish plants prefer being slightly root-bound and will often respond with more vigorous growth and increased blooms when they are. Repotting every two to three years is sufficient. When repotting, gently prune the root ball to encourage new root growth and place the plant in a slightly larger pot. Avoid upsizing the pot too much to maintain healthy root development and reduce transplant shock.

Growing a goldfish plant offers a wonderful way to add lasting color and charm to any indoor space. With bright light, consistent watering, and occasional pruning, this plant can thrive for years, rewarding you with its unique, vibrant blooms each season.

Enjoy The Video Tutorial

Source: Dreaming in Jungle

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