Growing Pioppino Mushrooms and Reishi Harvest

Growing Pioppino Mushrooms and Reishi

Today we want to share with you a special post:

Growing Pioppino Mushrooms and Reishi Harvest

In this video, you will learn all about pioppino mushrooms and you will be able to observe the reishi harvest.

Grown on decaying tree stumps or beneath popular trees, this mushroom is a popular food ingredient in both Asia and southern Europe. Also known as the Black Poplar mushroom named from its growing habitat around poplars, the Pioppino develops a light brown colored cap sprouting from a thin white stem. Rings of the fungus membrane surround the stem and eventually fall to the ground as spawn.

Reishi mushrooms are among several medicinal mushrooms that have been used for hundreds of years, mainly in Asian countries, for the treatment of infections.

Enjoy This Video Tutorial About

Source: Southwest Mushrooms

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Growing Pioppino Mushrooms and Reishi

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