How do I get Multiple Spikes of Orchid Flowers!

Multiple Spikes of Orchid Flowers

Today we want to share with you a special post:

Get Multiple Spikes of Orchid Flowers

In order to obtain multiple flower spikes and a great flowering show from orchids, we need to keep in mind the culture and needs these orchids to require, but also know which Phalaenopsis orchids are able to produce the show we are looking for.
1. The best candidates for multiple flower spikes are the complex, flower shop Phalaenopsis. So any orchid can produce a great show, but not all will.
2. I like to preserve the energy of my orchids by removing existing, spent flower spikes. Here is the technique that gives me awesome results
3. Good culture is a must and the most important elements, in my opinion, are good light and good fertilizing
4. Stress will affect the blooming of Phalaenopsis orchids, here is how to rejuvenate sick orchids

Enjoy The Video Tutorial About Orchids

Source: MissOrchidGirl

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Orchid Flowers

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