How to Eliminate Mosquitoes From Your Garden Naturally

Mosquitoes are an unpleasant part of life. Here in Florida, mosquitoes are as common as sweating the moment you leave the house, which is uncomfortably common.

So how can you repel these pesky little critters? First of all, it's important to note that nuisance mosquitoes typically have a lifespan of about four weeks, and if you have a pregnant mom who flies into your house, she can give birth to up to 300 more babies.

So if you do '. If you are the lucky winner of an indoor mosquito infestation, you should try to get rid of them. It's fast.

Eliminate the problem product

Mosquitoes usually go where the fungus is (and the subsequent moisture). This is why they are drawn to ripe bananas on their counter and fluffy potatoes in their pantry. So if you see them hanging around these items, discard the products and eliminate the reason the mosquitoes are gathering in the first place.

Leave a bowl of vinegar

Of course, after solving the problem, you can still find some mosquitoes flying around your house. If that's the case, try placing a bowl of soapy vinegar on a table away from the food. Mosquitoes are attracted to the smell of vinegar, so it will attract them to the soapy mixture. The detergent prevents them from spilling.

Hit them

You can also try killing them the old-fashioned way, with a fly swatter or by clapping your hands. (At one point, mosquitoes were so common around here that my 3-year-old would clap whenever he saw a mosquito. I don't think he was trying to kill them, I think he thought that's what you're doing. You're supposed to do when you see a mosquito. Poor boy.)

They become less desirable to mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are also attracted to people, which is why they seem to invade your face when you're outdoors on a hot day. What can you do about it?

You can try raising your hand or wearing a hat high on your head. It has been said that mosquitoes tend to gravitate towards the highest point on your body, so if you place that point higher even higher than your head, they will generally leave your eyes, nose, and mouth alone.

Also, try to skip fruit-scented shampoos, lip gloss, creams, and makeup as they will attract mosquitoes, flies, and gnats - yet another reason to go natural this summer. Sure, you can wear one of those mosquito net hats, which definitely work well, but it might not be a popular fashion option at a family gathering, barbecue, or office picnic.

Whichever you choose, know that summer is almost over and that spells the end of many outdoor pests. So enjoy the last few weeks knowing that the end is in sight, at least for this year!


Enjoy This Video Tutorial About How to Eliminate Mosquitoes From Your Garden Naturally

Source:Solutions Pest & Lawn

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