How to Grow and Care for Creeping Fig Indoors

There are over 850 members of the Ficus genus, many of which have become popular houseplants over many decades, and for good reason. Not only are they attractive and easy to grow, but they are also excellent and relatively hardy houseplants that can withstand a variety of different environments and even some degree of benign neglect.

Among the most popular options is the ficus pumila, also known as the creeping fig. Unlike its larger woody-stemmed cousins, which want to grow into tall trees, the creeping fig is a very well-behaving vine plant. Native to Asia, it can be grown in terrariums or used as a ground cover in larger pots, where it will cascade down the sides of the pot.

The creeping fig is an avid climber and can withstand an aggressive cut much more than meticulous varieties like English ivy. It is best to plant in the fall and it will grow slowly at first, increasing in pace as it matures. It can eventually reach lengths up to 15 feet long.

Creeping fig care

The key to a healthy creeping fig tree is to provide as much warm, humid air as possible, lots of humidity, and bright (but not direct) sunlight.

However, it is important to note that even very healthy and well-cared for plants will probably only last a few years in their pots; Ultimately, your root structures are designed for aggressive, widespread growth, and your houseplant is highly unlikely to flower or bear fruit.

If you want to keep your fig tree creeping longer than its natural indoor life, propagate the plant every two years or so. That way, when a plant declines, a new one will be waiting to take its place.

Be aware that when you grow your ground fig outdoors, it can quickly become invasive. If you choose to plant it in your garden, keep in mind that you will need to constantly prune the creeping fig to make sure it doesn't outgrow nearby plants.


Creeping fig trees prefer a bright spot in your home, but they don't like direct sunlight. In general, you should aim to provide your plant with six to eight hours of indirect diffuse light per day. They can also survive in low light conditions for a while, but they will certainly grow more slowly and possibly lose some of their leaves.


Creeping fig trees can grow in many types of soil, as long as they are well-drained. You can usually go for any store-bought soil-based potting mix. To aid drainage and prevent root rot, opt to plant your creeping fig in a pot that has wide drainage holes at its base.


Always keep the plant moist, but do not let it sit in water. The soil must be dried before watering again. In general, you should water the ground fig regularly (about once a week) during the growing season, but slow down in fall and winter. If you notice the plant leaves turning golden brown or falling off the plant, it is probably getting too much water.

Temperature and humidity

True to its tropical roots, the creeping fig prefers a warm and humid environment. Indoor temperatures should stay around 65 degrees Fahrenheit to 85 degrees Fahrenheit, and should never drop below 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

The plant also prefers above-average humidity levels, so consider keeping it in an already humid part of your home (like a kitchen or bathroom), or invest in a room humidifier.


Although the creeping fig does not need to be fertilized to thrive, you can feed it to aid its growth rate. If you decide to feed your plant, opt for a weak liquid fertilizer and feed it once a month during the spring, summer, and fall, tapering off every other month in winter.

Propagating creeping figs

Creeping figs are easy to propagate using cuttings. To do this, remove the cuttings in early spring when the plant begins to grow again. Place them cut side down in a small pot filled with sterile potting mix. Keep the hot container with high humidity in a clear (but not sunny) place.

When new growth begins to emerge, you can move to a more permanent container.

We hope you enjoy this video about Ficus Pumila (Creeping Fig) plants:

Source: Project Green: PLANTS

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