How to Properly Clean Your Plant's Leaves

Like any other decoration or piece of furniture in your home, houseplants need occasional cleaning. But unlike dusting baseboards or vacuuming carpet, it's not about aesthetics. Whether or not you clean your plants regularly (and, of course, how you clean them) can affect their well-being.

How you clean a plant depends on a few factors, like the type of plant and leaves and how dirty they are. In some situations, a quick cleanup will do the trick. A dirtier plant could use a little more love and work (including trimming while you're at it).

Have you never cleaned a plant before or don't know what kind of method to use on yours? We are protecting you. Here is a video tutorial on how to clean your plants!

We hope you enjoy this video about How to Clean Your Plants (Properly):

Source: Tenney Plants

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