How to Turn an Apple Tree Into a Bonsai

It is undeniable that flowers and fruits contribute to the beauty of the environment. With bonsai gardening, the beauty of a vegetable garden can be brought directly into your living room in a miniaturized way! There are several ways to turn an apple tree into a perfect bonsai tree, including apple seeds and apple cuttings.
Here, we will offer tips on how to grow an apple bonsai, as well as discuss tips for healthy bonsai care. Great bonsai gardeners go the extra mile growing their trees rather than buying them. If you need to grow apple bonsai trees, you can use apple seeds or cut apples.
Since apple trees are not self-pollinated, you need at least two apple trees of a different type for your bonsai to bear fruit. Let's look at the two ways to learn how to turn an apple tree into a perfect bonsai tree.
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Growing apple bonsai using cuttings
To grow apple bonsai from cuttings, you will need to access healthy apple trees for your cuttings. Apple trees should be of different types as mentioned above. When harvesting your seedlings, you must use a sterile cutter; A diagonal cut is preferred when harvesting cuttings.
Therefore, you should put your seedlings in water immediately after harvesting to prevent air from entering the seedling stems.
Patience is key as you need to allow the seedlings to take root. You can also use grafting techniques to produce good roots. When the healthy, thick roots have grown, you can transfer the seedlings to the pots. You must water the seedlings daily to keep the roots moist.
Growing apple bonsai from seed
On the other hand, you can develop apple bonsai trees from apple seeds. To start you need to collect seeds from different apple trees. Dry the outer shells of the seeds with a dry paper towel. Now you will need to cover the dried seeds with a damp paper towel and place them in a resealable plastic bag.
Apple seeds grow roots and sprout during winter; therefore, you need to simulate the seasons in your growing environment. To do this, keep your seeds sealed in the refrigerator for about 75 days at temperatures between 40 and 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Doing this in winter is recommended to align seed growth with your preferred season.
After the allotted time, remove the seeds from the refrigerator to plant. You will need a neutral pH soil without fertilizer to plant the seeds. Is recommended that you do the following after planting the seeds:
- Water the seeds immediately to allow the soil to settle quickly around the seeds.
- Make sure the soil remains moist.
- Place the pan near the window or in a room with a compatible temperature or higher than room temperature.
- As the seedlings grow for several weeks, water them every day.
Caring for apple bonsai after planting
When it comes to caring for apple bonsai, think about its growing position, watering, fertilizing, pruning, and training. Apple bonsai must be watered frequently, and water needs to increase when the tree begins to bear fruit. Watering excessively or excessively should be avoided, keeping the soil moist and never dry.
For optimal growth, apple bonsai requires feeding at least twice a month with balanced fertilizers. However, when the tree begins to bear fruit, stop feeding it. We need to keep the apple plant in miniature, so good pruning skills are essential.
Apple trees are best pruned in spring; Use clean pruning shears to maintain miniature apple bonsai. While pruning can be used as a training method, you should use spinning as the perfect training method. Through spinning, you can shape the apple bonsai in the spring, before new leaves and buds appear.
You should also keep your apple bonsai free from common pests and diseases like mold and aphids.
As the tips above demonstrate, you don't need to buy an apple bonsai. You can farm on your own! However, growing the apple bonsai tree from seed or cuttings is not an easy task. Caring for apple bonsai is a lifelong obligation, but you can use the beautiful tree to decorate your office, porch, or living room.
We hope you enjoy this video about making an apple bonsai tree:

Source: Bonsái Empire
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