Learn How to Easy Grow Lobster Claws (Heliconias)

Do you want to dazzle your visitors with your amazing indoor flower arrangements? Therefore, you may want to grow heliconias in your garden and create an exotic "tropical" look.

Heliconias, with their bold leaves and brightly colored flowers, are extraordinary tropical plants that can provide a fantastic focal point for your garden.

Believe it or not, Heliconias are easy to grow with a few simple instructions. These dangling strings of flowers emerge from the tops of upright stems or canes with a striking splash of color that lasts for weeks

Also known as the “Lobster Claw”, this Heliconia is popular with tropical flora and will delight the senses wherever you are. The secret is to keep them warm and not to overdo the fertilizers.

We hope you enjoy this video about Growing The Hanging Lobster Claw:

Source: LogeesPlants

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