The Best Way to Transplant a Venus Flytrap

Transplant a Venus Flytrap

Venus flytraps (Dionaea muscipula) are possibly the most famous carnivorous plants out there and have become popular with botanists and houseplant enthusiasts.

Native to the boggy regions of North and South Carolina, Venus flytraps are accustomed to the nutrient-poor growing medium of the Carolina boglands and they obtain their nutrients through 'eating' insects, which they have become famous for.

Although Venus traps have earned a reputation for being difficult to grow, this stereotype is not guaranteed, as their growing conditions are, in fact, fairly straightforward.

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An important aspect of maintaining a healthy venus trap is transplanting the plant regularly to ensure it has enough room to grow.

Before you start replanting, it is important to note that Venus traps have rhizomes that help store their energy and produce the roots and shoots of the plant, so don't be alarmed by the white bulbous rhizomes among the roots of a Venus flytrap while you are repotting it!

When to Repot a Venus Flytrap

For best results, Venus flytraps should be replanted annually to help keep the soil cool. Over time, the soil can compact, making it difficult for the plant to develop new roots.

Although Venus flytraps don't bother to repot most of the year, it's best to repot in the spring or early summer, as that's when they come out of their winter slumber.

Avoid replanting Venus fly traps during active flowering.

It is also a good idea to fill a Venus flytrap as soon as it is purchased, to ensure that impurities from the water supplied in the nursery do not remain in the soil.

Venus flytraps require pure water (filtered or rain is best!) To thrive. Transplanting after purchase also helps ensure that the potting mix is โ€‹โ€‹correct, as Venus flytraps are fussy about their growing medium.

Choosing the Right Potting Medium

Choosing the right soil / growing medium for your Venus Fly Trap is the most crucial aspect of the successful replanting of a Venus Fly Trap.

Venus flytraps are native to North and South Carolina bogs and are used for an acidic, nutrient-poor environment. Using standard potting soil or nutrient-enriched mixes will burn Venus flytraps and kill them quickly.

When replanting a Venus flytrap, a standard carnivorous plant soil mix should be used. You can mix one yourself or search the Venus trap floor to get it done.

If you are mixing the soil yourself, a 1: 1 mix of unenriched peat moss and perlite is ideal. Peat provides the acidity needed by venus fly traps, while perlite helps retain moisture.

Choosing the Right Pot

There are some important considerations when it comes to choosing a planter for your Venus flytrap. Although Venus flytraps are still relatively small, even when mature, their root systems can grow quite large, so choosing a pot with a certain depth is beneficial for the plant.

A minimum pot depth of ten centimeters is recommended so that the roots can develop, keeping most of the water away from the rhizomes.

Good insulation is also important for Venus flytraps. If grown indoors, insulation is less of a concern as the temperature can be more easily controlled, but it is generally a good idea to leave more space around the rhizomes so that the potting soil can protect them from extreme heat or cold.

A minimum of five inches of potting soil is recommended around the edges of the rhizomes for optimal insulation, which could mean choosing a larger pot for the Venus flytrap. In most cases, plastic pots are best for Venus flytraps.

Step by Step Repot a Venus Flytrap

  • Fill the new pot with the 1: 1 mixture of peat moss and perlite.
  • Gently mist the new potting soil with purified water or rainwater to moisten it.
  • Drill a small hole in the center of the new potting mix where the Venus Fly Trap will be placed.
  • Carefully remove the Venus Fly Trap from the current pot, taking care to handle the root and not the traps.
  • With your fingers, gently loosen the old soil from the roots of the Venus Fly Trap.
  • If necessary, separate several plants from each other to repot them separately.
  • Place the plant in the new, moistened potting soil and gently pat the soil around the roots.
  • Water the plant well - the water should drain completely through the pot and the drainage holes.

If replanting is done correctly, Venus flytraps should be reasonably stable and generally do not require additional care later on.

It is normal to see growth stagnation for a week or two after replanting, and some Venus traps may even lose some after transplanting. As long as the plant has healthy roots and rhizomes, there is no need to worry.

Tip: When replanting a Venus flytrap, it is important to be gentle and avoid tripping over the traps as this will waste the precious energy of the plant. If possible, try to grab the plant by the roots rather than the stems or traps.

Enjoy The Video Tutorial

Source: Brads Greenhouse & Gardening

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Transplant a Venus Flytrap

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