The Secrets To Make Your Rubber Plant Bushy!

Ficus elastica, commonly known as rubber plant or rubber tree, is a very beautiful and understated tree-like houseplant.
With their glossy dark green leaves, these plants can be enjoyed as medium-sized houseplants or grow tall enough to be the focal point of a room. They can produce impressive numbers in just a few years, especially if they are brought outdoors during the summer months.
If you give your rubber tree the right conditions, you will eventually be forced to prune it if you want it to still fit in your home.
Indoor rubber trees can grow very large! (Remember these are giant trees in their natural habitat from Nepal, China, and Malaysia) So it makes sense that they can quickly outgrow our interior spaces.
To make a rubber tree thicker, you need to prune it, so today we share a video on how to do it right!
We hope you enjoy this video about How to Make Your Rubber Plant Look Bushy:
Source: Gardening Upbeat
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