Yarrow: A Plant That Does Everything by Itself

Enter the world of yarrow (Achillea millefolium), a plant that has effortlessly claimed its spot in our gardens.

Beyond its sheer beauty, yarrow offers a medley of shapes and hues, extending a warm invitation to pollinators seeking sustenance and shelter.

Standing tall at 30 to 90 cm, this perennial wonder boasts slender, gracefully branched stems.

Its leaves, intricately divided into delicate segments, reveal linear or lanceolate forms adorned with captivating serrations.

With a distinctly aromatic allure, yarrow thrives in the untamed beauty of mountain landscapes, meadows, and verdant slopes.

Yet, its allure extends to carefully cultivated corners, finding its place in park flower beds, home gardens, and orchards.

Curious to learn more? Join the journey with Chris from Epic Gardening.

We hope you enjoy this video about Yarrow: A Plant That Does Everything by Itself

Source: Epic Gardening

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