4 Simple Steps for Sorting Laundry

4 simple steps for sorting laundry

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Welcome! Follow these 4 simple steps and you will soon be doing laundry like a Pro

Did any of these laundry-related disasters happen to you?

  • Underwear that used to be white is now pink
  • There are blue stripes on your favorite yellow shirt.
  • White clothes are dull and grimy
  • Clothes are shrunk or stretched

If you end up having a lot of trouble with your clothes after they go through the laundry room, it may be your fault. Laundry may not be properly separated.

Separating laundry seems to be a mystery to many people, so they just put it all together. But wait, you say you're using one of those detergents and wipes that say you can wash everything together? Don't believe everything you read. This is where a lot of trouble starts.

Clothes should be classified by color, type of fabric, weight, and washing needs (cold water or hot water). It really is not that difficult.

How to Sort Laundry Before Washing

You can wait until there is a mountain of clothes to wash and the separation will be tedious. Or, as you know, there will be dirty clothes and sheets that need to be cleaned every day, you can simplify by separating your clothes when you remove your clothes or wear each item.

Use separate laundry baskets or a laundry basket with sorting sections in your closet, bathroom, or central laundry area. If the basket doesn't have labels, you need to add them and even post the rules on how to separate the clothes so the kids can help. One section should be for whites, one section for dark colors, one section for light colors, and one section for dry cleaning only.

Even if you need to make some last-minute decisions when the load is removed from the basket, pre-sorting will speed up your laundry routine and help ensure that your efforts are successful. Pre-sorting is particularly helpful if you need to use a community laundry or self-service laundry where space is often at a premium.

In an emergency
Don't make it a habit, but if you don't have enough items to machine a full load of each type of fabric and you're in a rush, you can wash all items of the same color together. Just be sure to choose the correct wash cycle and use cold water to avoid damaging the most delicate parts of the load.
Just remember, a dark blue lace nightgown won't survive long when washed with a pair of bronze studded jeans.

1. Read the Label

If you are familiar with your normal clothing, you probably won't have to go through this step every time. But if you are teaching a child to do laundry, it is a very important step. Read the caution label on each item in the basket.

The label will tell you if a garment is machine washable, the water temperature to use, and how to dry the fabric. Put all clothing labeled "wash separately" or "hand wash" in a separate pile.

If you're new to how to do laundry and see a tag that says "dry clean only," create it and put it in a bag to take to a professional laundry. With some experience, you will learn that some items labeled dry clean can only be hand washed. You will also learn how to use a homemade dry cleaning kit on your dryer.

2. Sort by Color

After hand washing and dry cleaning, only the clothes are separated, please separate the rest of the washable clothes by color. White, pastel, light gray, and white background prints will stack. Dark-colored clothing (black, red, navy, brown, dark gray) passes into another pile.

3. Sort by Fabric

Sort each stack again by fabric type. For example, in the white/light pile, separate sheets and towels from blouses, pants, and underwear or lingerie.

In dark colors, separate T-shirts and jeans from lighter items like blouses and dress shirts. If you have dark towels or blankets, separate them from your clothes to reduce lint - never wash lint-producing fabrics and lint-attracting fabrics together!

Washing for each color and type of fabric allows you to use the correct water temperatures and simplifies drying cycles.

4. Wash Heavily Soiled Items Separately

Not everyone will need to do this step, but if you have items that are heavily soiled with dirt or oil stains like motor oil or a lot of cooking oil, sort them as usual, but wash these items separately. This will prevent dirt from building up again on other clothes. It also prevents the transfer of strong odors to other fabrics.

We hope you enjoy watching this video about Simple Steps for Sorting Laundry

Source: Therapeutic Links

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