DIY Cute Jewellery Trays - Imprinting Air Dry Clay

If you are looking for something different, why not try using some natural leaves as air-dry clay stamps. You can quickly create beautiful items, from ornaments to home decor.

These beautiful jewelry trays will look amazing in your bedroom or anywhere you want to place them to store all your jewelry in one place, and with this tutorial, you will find that they are so easy to make! Air-drying clay is a versatile product that can be used in many craft projects.

Air-drying clay does not need to be heated, unlike traditional clays that need to be fired in a high-temperature oven, or polymeric clays that need to be heated in an oven to cure.

This type of clay hardens and cures at normal room temperature and, once dry, can be painted and decorated in a variety of ways.

There are many ways to add surface decoration to air dry clay. One of the best ways to add texture and design is to use rubber stamps.

We hope you enjoy watching this video about DIY Jewellery:

Source: Jana Storm

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