How to Make Homemade Air Freshener With Vinegar

White vinegar is made up of approximately 5 to 8% acetic acid and works by neutralizing alkaline odors. To use it as an air freshener, find a spray bottle or spray bottle.

You want a fine mist, as it will produce smaller droplets with more surface area to remove odor-causing molecules from the air. Fill the blender with pure white vinegar from the supermarket. Mix in your room. The vinegar smell should go away quickly.

If it's too spicy for you, try diluting the vinegar before spraying. You can consume a tablespoon of vinegar in a glass of water.

The beauty of vinegar as an air freshener is that it doesn't leave behind cheap artificial fragrances and it works by purifying the air rather than covering up the smell. If you want to add a scent, try a few drops of a favorite essential oil like lavender.

If you don't like spraying vinegar, some people may just put a shallow bowl of vinegar in a room for several hours or overnight.

How to Use Vinegar to Refresh Carpet and Sprayable Surfaces

To freshen up carpets, shoes, trash cans, diaper bins, and other sprayable surfaces, fill a spray bottle with white vinegar and spray where a snack is needed.

It will neutralize odors so your home smells like home. For this use, you don't need a teacher. You can use any clean spray bottle.

How to use vinegar to freshen washable surfaces

To freshen refrigerators, lunch boxes, and other cleanable surfaces, dip a sponge or cloth in vinegar and use it to clean the entire surface of the item you want to freshen. Then let the vinegar dry. Once dry, the vinegar smell should disappear.

Benefits of deodorizing with vinegar

Cheap: Vinegar is cheaper than any spray deodorant you can buy.

NO Harsh Chemicals - You eat vinegar all the time in salad dressings, mayonnaise, etc. You know what it is and you don't need a chemist to decode an ingredient list.

Really clean - removes odors, rather than covering them,

Eco-friendly: Not only are you avoiding propellants, you are not filling your trash or trash with used containers and spray bottles.


We hope you enjoy watching this video about How to Make Homemade Air Freshener With Vinegar


Source:Β  Clean My Space

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