Mom-Hacks For Making Your Home Look Nice

Today we want to share with you something special:


It's about how to deal with clutter.

When it comes to motherhood, sometimes one of the hardest things about your daily commute is keeping up with what seems like a never-ending mess.

If you agree with this, you are not alone! Mom, we see you.

So if your floor is covered in your child's toys or your child's house papers are strewn across the free surface of the countertop, here are some tricks to make your home look beautiful (even if it isn't).

1. Use Bins to Create an ‘Organized Chaos’ of Paperwork

From pages of art to multiple permission forms, if you have kids, the paperwork is endless. And if you're not careful, some of the important things will inevitably be lost or worse, end up in the trash.

Even the most caring and conscientious moms will agree: it's hard to control everyone's things all the time. That's why it's so important to implement these mom-approved homemade hacks to make sense of the mess.

Your first step is to buy trash cans, of any kind, to navigate the piles of paperwork. You can be crafty and label these boxes with the names of your family members, or you can keep things simple and color-coded. Regardless of how you set it up, it's a simple way to organize the proverbial chaos and keep things where they should be.

2. Make Your Children’s Art an Intentional Area of Your Wall(s)

There is something sweet and sentimental about your children's wall art. If your oldest child is three and finger-painting any page he can get his hands on, or twenty-three and still hanging college essays on the fridge (because let's face it, they're never too old for that compliment): there is something Special in wall art, especially when it is displayed with intention.

Designate an area on your refrigerator, your living room wall, or even your windows to display your kid's best creations. If you're feeling really ambitious, you can even combine the artwork with paint or other decorations to make it look like they're really part of the design.

3. Use Fabric Drawers and a Square-Hole Shelf to Hide the ‘Stuff’

No matter how many times you pick up toys, sweep the floor, and tell your kids to put away their belongings, there are always "things" out there.

But the good thing is that you don't have to worry about having a suitable place for everything. Type: "Garbage drawers".

If you don't have drawers available, for under $ 50 you can purchase square shelves and colorful fabric drawers or baskets to create useful space for these "things." The best part? It really looks good.

4. Label Your Laundry Hampers by Color or Load Type

Let’s face it—there’s nothing pretty about laundry. But no matter who you are, laundry is a part of life. You might as well make it a little *fancier.*

Feel free to go as crazy as you want with this: baskets with laminated labels for whites and darks, baskets in neutral colors that match your bathroom ambiance, or even farmhouse-style frames or signs above the baskets as an intentional part of the decor. You decide how you want your outfit to look, but a small change in the way you present your space can make a difference.

5. Create Intentional Sections for School Items

As a mother, you know firsthand how irritating it is to constantly chase your children around the house and ask them to hang their coats in their closets, take off their dirty shoes, and empty their school bags. (The list continues).

One of the best tricks to beautify your home is to create specific spaces to store these items. Shoe boxes at the front door, hangers with the names of your children engraved on their hooks, or "cubicles" where you can store backpacks, lunch boxes, and other school supplies.

6. Let the Clutter Become the Décor

Here's the thing, mom. The house will never be perfect. (And that's okay). But there is something to be said for embracing clutter and making it part of your space.

Why not make a rotating "memorial section" on your wall or refrigerator, where you can periodically hang your children's best papers and projects? Hang wire bins on the wall with chalkboard names for storage or have even more fun with something like this 'Lost Socks' wall ornament for rebellious clothing items that never seem to find what they match (yes, I'm guilty of buying this on impulse 1 ).

7. Make Your Bed (Seriously)

One of the best and simplest tricks to beautify your home is to make your bed. Honestly, this is not as difficult as you think. Plus, setting aside a few intentional minutes at the beginning of each day can help you feel satisfied before even starting your to-do list.

Making your bed is also an obvious way to make your space presentable with minimal effort.

We hope you enjoy watching this video about time-saving mom hacks

Source: Emily Norris

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