How to Add a Simple Garter Stitch Border to Your Knitted Blanket

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Today we want to share with you a special post:

Elevate Your Knitted Blanket with a Simple Garter Stitch Border

Are you looking to take your knitted blankets to the next level? Look no further than a simple garter stitch border! Not only is this border pattern beginner-friendly, but it adds the perfect finishing touch to any knitted blanket.

To get started, you'll need to choose the yarn and needle size for your blanket. Once you've completed the main body of your blanket, it's time to add the border. The garter stitch border is worked in a super simple repeat, which makes it easy to remember and execute.

This simple border pattern is easy to customize to your own preferences. You can adjust the width of the border, choose a contrasting color for added visual interest, or experiment with different stitch patterns.

Adding a garter stitch border to your knitted blanket is a great way to give it a polished, professional look. Whether you're a beginner knitter or a seasoned pro, this pattern is sure to take your blankets to a new level. So grab your needles and yarn, and give it a try!

Images and pattern courtesy of Snufflebean Yarn

Enjoy This Video Tutorial About Knitting

Source: Snufflebean Yarn

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