Ottoman Rib Worked Flat and in the Round: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

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Ottoman Rib Worked Flat and in the Round

Learning how to knit the Ottoman Rib is a delightful experience, especially for beginner knitters. This ridiculously easy textured stitch pattern looks like ribbing on one side and like honeycomb stitch on the other.

With the help of a detailed video tutorial by 10rowsaday, we’ll guide you through the process of mastering this versatile stitch, whether you’re working flat or in the round.

To get started, let’s gather our knitting materials. We’ll need some yarn in the color of our choice, a pair of knitting needles for working flat, and circular needles for working in the round. Medium-weight yarn works best for this pattern, as it showcases the texture beautifully.

The Ottoman Rib stitch pattern is not only easy but also incredibly versatile. It’s perfect for creating a variety of projects, from scarves and blankets to hats and sweaters. The texture adds visual interest and makes the fabric squishy and warm, ideal for cozy garments and accessories.

When working flat, we’ll start by casting on an even number of stitches. This pattern is worked over two rows, making it simple to memorize and perfect for beginners.

In the first row, we’ll knit every stitch. The second row is where the texture begins to form; we’ll knit one stitch and purl one stitch across the row. The combination of these two rows creates the ribbing effect on one side and the honeycomb effect on the other.

As we continue knitting, we’ll see the Ottoman Rib pattern emerge. The ribbing side has a clean, linear look, while the honeycomb side features a more intricate, textured design.

This dual texture makes the pattern unique and allows us to choose which side we want to showcase in our finished project.

When working in the round, the process is just as straightforward. We’ll cast on an even number of stitches onto our circular needles. The pattern is worked over two rounds, similar to the flat version.

In the first round, we’ll knit every stitch. In the second round, we’ll knit one stitch and purl one stitch all the way around. This method ensures that the texture remains consistent throughout the fabric, regardless of whether we’re working flat or in the round.

Following the 10rowsaday tutorial, we’ll find it easy to keep track of our stitches and maintain the pattern. The video provides clear, step-by-step instructions, making it simple to follow along even if we’re new to knitting. Additionally, the tutorial includes helpful tips and tricks to ensure our stitches are even and our tension is consistent.

The Ottoman Rib stitch pattern is perfect for adding a touch of elegance to our knitting projects. Its versatility means we can use it for a variety of items, from simple scarves to more complex garments.

The easy-to-follow pattern makes it accessible for beginners, while the textured design keeps it interesting for more experienced knitters.

By following the tutorial by 10rowsaday, we’ll gain confidence in our knitting skills and create beautiful, textured pieces that showcase our creativity. Whether we’re knitting flat or in the round, the Ottoman Rib pattern is a fantastic addition to our knitting repertoire.

We hope you enjoy learning this easy textured stitch pattern. For a detailed step-by-step guide, be sure to watch the video tutorial by 10rowsaday. Happy knitting!

Images and pattern courtesy of 10rowsaday

Enjoy This Video Tutorial About Ottoman Rib

Source: 10rowsaday

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