Some of The Best Porch Plants
Porch plants can be a simple and beautiful way to turn a boring, boxy outdoor space into a green extension of your home.
But since they will be spending their lives outdoors, it is important to consider local conditions when purchasing plants.
Look at your porch before buying plants. How many hours of sunshine does it get? It may always be dark.
Our selection of the best porch plants includes some that thrive in the sun, some that need partial sun, and some plants that like shade, so you can have a deck full of plants in any condition.
Fuchsia (Magellanic Fuchsia)
Fuchsia is also called hummingbird fuchsia because its colorful flowers are very attractive to small birds. Often sold in hanging baskets, these plants die for the winter but return in the spring.
Fuchsias are known as "heavy feeders," which means that to grow and bloom again, they need a lot of fertilizer (a slow-release fertilizer means you can fertilize once and forget about it).
English lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)
Whether in full sun or close to it, lavender makes an ideal porch plant as it can tolerate some drier conditions once established and is incredibly easy to grow.
When the sun shines on you, you will smell the delicious scent of lavender that comes from the balcony of your house.
Staghorn fern (Platycerium bifurcatum)
Staghorn ferns can grow outside in shady areas in tropical and subtropical locations but will need to be brought indoors once they cool down in more temperate areas.
In their natural habitat, these ferns are found growing on the sides of trees, and although they can live in a pot, they are best mounted on a board or other surface (you will want some peat-like material between the fern and the surface). Attached to).
This gives you some really fun options on a porch, where it can be gracefully hung from above.
Since they are rootless, these plants absorb most of their nutrients and moisture through their leaves, so have a good watering plan when thinking about where to put them.
Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis Mill.)
Aloe vera is tough, does not need frequent watering, and grows well in full sun until noon in the sun. It is also an excellent plant for DIY beauty treatments, including a relaxing face mask.
Marigolds (Tagetes)
Orange and yellow marigold flowers are brightly colored, cheery photos in any garden space and ideal for a porch pot filled with annuals.
As long as they get plenty of water and sun, they will bloom throughout the summer and even into the fall. Marigolds can be self-seeded, so you may see some growth again next year if you don't change the soil.
Begonia (Begoniaceae)
Begonias bear tons of flowers all summer long, if well watered and fed, and can overwinter in pots (although all foliage dies).
They hang from the sides of containers gracefully, leaving a trail of leaves and flowers on the edge of whatever they're planted, making them a popular choice for hanging baskets.
Begonias like a mix of sun and shade, and even do well in areas with more shade than sun.
Boston fern (Nephrolepis exaltata)
If you have a partially shaded porch, a Boston fern is the plant for you.
They are most commonly seen in hanging pots, with the soft leaves falling off and creating a green cloud, but they can also look great in a large pot on the floor.
Boston ferns can grow up to a meter tall and wide, so give it plenty of space and keep it well-watered and moist, as ferns need a lot of moisture.
We hope you enjoy this video about the best plants for your porch:
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