How to Make a Cross Cut Sled

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We hope that you are very well and looking forward to a new post about woodworking.

Today we are going to share with you:

How to Make a Cross Cut Sled

One of the first fixtures I ever made for my shop was a cross-cut sled. Heavily-influenced by David Marks, I modeled it after his design.

The sled opened up a whole world of possibilities for not only cross-cutting, but joinery as well. I didn't have a reliable compound miter saw at the time so this versatile fixture really helped me get the most out of my limited tool set. Here's a pic from the old days!

Now with a full complement of tools, I am finding myself longing for some of the simple solutions I used in the past.

And after spending some time at the William Ng School using his cross-cut sleds for various operations, I knew it was time to get my butt in gear and make myself a new cross-cut sled. You'll notice that my sled doesn't have any bells and whistles like built-in stops or hold downs, but you can certainly add those if you feel they are appropriate. Hip To Be Square!

Enjoy The Video

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Source: The Wood Whisperer

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