What's the Best Time of Day to Do Yoga?

In simpler terms, the best time to do yoga is the one that works best for you. Since the key to accessing all the benefits of yoga is consistent practice over time (and hopefully in the future), you need to find the routine that suits your lifestyle and schedule. This can change over time as your life changes.

For example, you may have been attending yoga classes at night after work for years. But then when you had kids, it made more sense to go early in the morning before work or during the day while they're at school. It doesn't really matter if you do yoga at different times, on different days of the week, as long as you find a routine that is sustainable. Let yoga work into your schedule, rather than trying to fit into yoIn simpler terms, the best time to do yoga is the one that works best for you. Since the key to accessing all the benefits of yoga is consistent practice over time (and hopefully in the future), you need to find the routine that suits your lifestyle and schedule. This can change over time as your life changes.ur schedule.

Benefits of morning yoga

Some yoga traditions, such as the Ashtanga system of Pattabhi Jois, advocate practicing yoga asanas early in the morning, if possible, before sunrise. Many Ashtanga home doctors follow this routine and most Mysore-style classes are offered at this time.

Practicing yoga in the morning can give you a boost of energy and clarity and help set the tone for the rest of the day. Many people have routines that are more manageable or predictable in the morning, which can make it easier to stick to a regular morning practice. Also, many people find that they have more energy to exercise in the morning compared to the end of a long day. Some people may also prefer to do yoga on an empty stomach to avoid cramps or indigestion.

Energetic practices are ideal in the morning to keep you alert and energetic. You can choose current vinyasa classes that incorporate rounds of sun salutations (surya namaskar) or try refreshing backbends like wheel pose (urdhva dhanurasana) or inversions like headstand (sirsasana) or handstand (adho mukha vrksasana) .

Benefits of afternoon yoga

Practicing yoga in the afternoon before dinner can help you de-stress a busy morning and also whet your appetite for the next meal. If you prefer to practice between meals, be sure to wait 2-3 hours after eating before doing yoga.

Also, your muscles may be warmer at the end of the day than in the early morning, when you may feel stiffer. If your muscles are looser at the end of the day, you may be working a little harder to improve your flexibility compared to when you feel tense.

Practicing yoga in the afternoon can mean that you get the best of both worlds. If that's when you have the most energy, this is a good time for a vigorous and challenging practice. But if you need to relax at the end of the workday, it can also be more restorative.


Benefits of yoga at night

In his book "Light on Yoga", B.K.S. Iyengar advises doing yoga early in the morning or late at night, noting that each has its advantages. "Practicing in the morning helps you work better on your vocation. At night it removes the fatigue of the day and leaves us fresh and calm," he said.

An evening yoga routine can relieve stress and promote relaxation, allowing you to relax. As such, yoga at night can be part of a relaxing bedtime ritual to help you get ready for bed.

Try relaxing poses such as standing with long legs bent forward (prasarita padottanasana), crown pose (malasana), goddess pose (supta buddha konasana), seated rotating spine (ardha matsyendrasana), or happy baby pose (ananda balasana) to dissipate tension. and get a good night's rest.

The best yoga time for you

The best time to do yoga is different for each person. The most important thing is to find the right time for you and your body. If you are doing yoga at home, it is helpful to choose a time when you can focus on yourself and your practice, when you have no other people or tasks to be responsible for.

Most yoga studios offer classes throughout the day, such as a 6:00 am class to catch the early risers, a quick lunch, and a 6:00 pm class that caters to the public after work. Many online yoga classes are also available upon request, which means you can incorporate them into your schedule whenever it's convenient.

To determine the best yoga time for you, see what the different poses look like at different times of the day. You may find that in the morning you have more energy, but you are also more tense. At night you may feel more flexible, but also more tired. In the end, it all comes down to your personal preferences.

Regardless of what time of day you decide to practice yoga, try to make it something that you can follow. It is very easy to pressure him in favor of other things that seem more urgent. Most people are creatures of habit, so if you really want your schedule to stick, you'll need to commit to sticking to it.

Don't be overly concerned with someone else's idea of the "best" time to practice yoga. Find the hours of the day that best suit your needs, even if it's a combination of mornings, afternoons, and nights during the week.

We hope you enjoy watching this video about to yoga

Source: Yoga Lifestyle with Melissa

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