Attract Owls To Your Backyard With These Tips

Owls are not your typical backyard birds, but they can be highly desirable guests. These mysterious creatures are a delight to hear and observe. With the right preparation, any bird watcher can learn how to regularly attract owls to their yard.

Owls are among the most beloved birds of prey. Their silent flight, large eyes, eerie calls, and nocturnal habits make them both magical and mysterious.

Because owls are not very active during the day, they can coexist peacefully with other backyard birds. As skilled hunters, they help control rodent populations, keeping squirrel and small rodents in check. Smaller owl species can also help manage large insects and even catch reptiles like snakes and lizards.

Unlike seed-eating birds, owls are cheap to attract since they don't rely on birdseed. Depending on the local environment, regional owl species, and how appealing the yard is to these raptors, you may welcome different types of owls as visitors.

How to Attract Owls

The key to attracting owls is meeting their four basic needs: food, water, shelter, and nesting sites.


Owls won't visit bird feeders, but you can provide a consistent food source for these hunters. Since owls eat rats, voles, squirrels, and other small rodents, maintaining a rat-friendly garden can increase the chances of attracting owls.

Leave some grass uncut, add dense shrubs, and allow some seeds to remain on the ground. Avoid using poisons or traps that can eliminate prey. Let the owls naturally control the rodent population.


Owls get most of their fluids from their prey and aren’t frequent visitors to birdbaths. However, in warmer climates or during the summer, they might visit larger, deeper birdbaths for a drink or a bath.

Position the water source in a quiet, secluded area to increase the likelihood of attracting owls.


Owls need mature, dense trees with sturdy trunks for roosting during the day, ideally in shady, secluded spots. Both coniferous and deciduous trees are suitable as long as they are of good size. While empty owl nests work, providing natural shelter is the best way to encourage them to perch nearby.

Nesting Sites

Owls prefer to nest in hollow trees, but smaller backyard owl species can also use large nest boxes placed 10 to 20 feet high in trees.

Barn owls may nest in abandoned buildings, so leaving access to a barn or shed can be ideal for raising young owls. Set up nest boxes in January or February, as owls build nests earlier than other birds.

Keep the boxes clear of wasps, squirrels, rodents, raccoons, or other guests that might discourage owls.

Avoid These Mistakes When Attracting Owls

Do not release caged rats or other small animals to provide free food for owls. Owls must hunt live prey to fulfill their nutritional and behavioral needs. Avoid playing recorded owl calls frequently, as this can agitate the birds and disrupt their natural behaviors.

Remove all types of nets, including sports nets, from your yard at night. Flying owls can become entangled, leading to distress, injury, or even death. Similarly, seasonal decorations like artificial spider webs pose a threat and should be removed.

With patience and strategic planning, you can attract owls to your garden and enjoy their majestic presence up close.

We hope you enjoy watching this video about how to build an owl house and attract them:

Source: Norwegian Wood

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