DIY Beautiful Blue Phalaenopsis Orchids

With their vivid colors, dyed orchids are intriguing and eye-catching. They complement any decor and are great for any occasion!

If you've ever been curious about how dyed orchids get their color, read on as we unravel the mystery.

Blue may just be another color in the rainbow, but the calming hue is quite rare in nature: only 10% of the more than 200,000 species of flowering plants produce a natural blue pigment.

Most dyed orchids are created by injecting pigment into the stem, but different growers may use different methods and varying color concentrations.

Some methods can result in unevenly tinted flowers. Other DIY methods of making dyed orchids can damage the plant. This video tutorial from MissOrchidGirl will show you how to dye orchids blue safely at home.

We hope you enjoy this video about DIY Blue Orchids:

Source: MissOrchidGirl

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