How to Grow Pansy and Viola Flowers from Seeds

Grow Pansy and Viola

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Planting Pansies from Seed

There are many types and varieties of violets that are fabulous garden plants. These range from small tricolor Viola flowers, commonly known as Heartbreak, to various types of violets, including soft violets or English violets (Viola odorata) and Parma violets, to large pansy flowers (usually referred to as Viola x wittrockiana).

Most violets are reliably hardy and form low-growing evergreen mats that provide excellent ground cover. Most violets bloom for a long time in spring and summer, and winter-blooming pansies give the garden excellent color during the colder months of the year and late spring.

Although most species are perennials and grow for many years, pansies and heartsease are generally grown as annuals or biennial flowering plants and discarded after flowering.

Enjoy This Video Tutorial About Planting Flowers

Source: FRESHCUTKY Cut Flower & Vegetable Garden

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Grow Pansy and Viola

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