Try This Method to Make Your Own Raisins (No Dehydrator)

Half of the world's raisins are produced in California. But the best raisins? These can come from your own backyard. Grapes have become a popular backyard crop.

Depending on the type of grape you grow, they may be almost ready for harvest. Some may try making wine and others just enjoy the juiciness of freshly picked fruit, but homemade raisins are easy, fun, and a treat you may have forgotten as you prepare to preserve the harvest.

Homemade raisins taste MUCH better than store-bought raisins... learn how to easily make them in your oven! Top them with chocolate, add them to your favorite cookie dough or hot oatmeal... or maybe they're so good you'll want to eat them just like that!

We hope you enjoy this video about How to Make Your Own Raisins:

Source: I Cook And Paint

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