4 Cheap & EASY to Make Raised Garden Bed Covers

Using garden bed covers like mini hoop tunnels, row covers, or portable cold frames is a great hack for a healthy and healthy vegetable garden.

These versatile covers will allow your plants to increase production, reduce pests and damage caused by the weather, and extend the harvest season into fall and winter. Remember that before covering the plants in the late afternoon or early evening, you should water them lightly.

Apply glazes early in the evening as the winds drop and remove them when temperatures rise the next day (mid-morning) so the plants can be fully exposed to the hot sun.

There are many benefits of undercover growing, here are some benefits of using garden covers, such as:

Protecting your plants from frost

Ice covers such as row covers, polyethylene sheets, and bells are mainly used in spring and fall.

Protecting your plants from bad weather and taking control of the environment

Weather covers are usually temporary and are only worn for a few hours or maybe a day or two.

For example, a metal or plastic bucket over a freshly planted tomato seedling provides effective temporary protection from the elements.

Reducing Pest Damage

Garden hedges can protect you from insect pests, such as flea beetles and cabbage worms, but also larger pests, such as deer and rabbits.

Unlike those used for temporary freeze protection, pest prevention covers are often left in place for weeks or months and must therefore let in light. Bug netting and barrier fabrics are perfect for the job.

We hope you enjoy this video about How to Make Raised Garden Bed COVERS:

Source: Self Sufficient Me

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