The 10 Best Plants for Your Bedroom

Plants for Your Bedroom

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The Best Plants for Your Bedroom

Rooms are designed to be a haven for recharging your battery, and greenery can go a long way toward achieving that sense of serenity.

Whether your home is flooded with natural light or depends on lamps and sconces for lighting, indoor plants can thrive in your room.

Not only can they beautify a room, but they can also purify the air of toxins and produce oxygen at night, cooling the room for a deeper sleep.

Peace Lily

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum) is one of the most durable and popular indoor plants for a room for good reason: its glossy leaves thrive in bright or low light situations, and its roots tolerate a variety of planting habits.

Peace lilies take the guesswork out of watering, wither when thirsty, and wake up quickly to a sip of water.

If your room has a window, placing a peace lily nearby will increase the production of spathe in the form of a white flower, which lasts for weeks.

If your room is a bit dark and blooming seems unlikely, choose a variety of peace lilies like 'Domino' with their variegated white foliage to brighten low-light environments.

Parlor Palm

The living room palm (Chamaedorea Elegans) grows in partial or full shade in its native Guatemala, which is why you'll see these specimens thrive in offices, shopping malls, and other indoor spaces with little or no natural light.

In fact, a lot of light burns palm leaves in the living room, so keep this plant away from bright bedroom windows.

A location near a wet bathroom that provides more moisture is ideal, as it prevents pests, such as dust mites, that thrive in dry conditions.

English Ivy

As an outdoor plant, English ivy, Hedera helix, can behave aggressively by sending tendrils that cling to structures and tree trunks.

However, in a room, you can take advantage of ivy spreading trends by forming vines using a small lattice, circle, or topiary to create a living work of art.

Thriving in all lighting situations, English ivy vines look attractive in hanging baskets or hung on a side table.

Plants do well with little watering and will survive a week of vacation without problems.

Snake Plant

Sansevieria trifasciata, also known for the wry language of the mother-in-law, does not do justice to the snake plant, a statuesque and vigorous specimen that purifies the air better than any other houseplant.

The leathery leaves and threads of Sansevieria have adapted to survive the harsh conditions of West Africa, where the soil is poor and rainfall is patchy.

You don't have to deal with messy fallen leaves or complicated snake plant pruning; water every two weeks.

Make sure to plant it in a container with proper drainage holes, as the snake plant will rot in standing water.

Corn Plant

Corn plants (Dracaena fragrans) give homeowners the appearance of a tree without the uncontrollable height problems that a tree brings. Long, shiny leaves on sturdy stems.

Corn plants are plentiful and can make a good anchor in a bedroom nook. Corn plants are shade tolerant and can produce white flowers in a sunny location.

Although the name suggests otherwise, the corn plant is poisonous and should not be pinched by curious pets or children.

Gerber Daisy

Gerber daisy (Gerbera) is an ethereal plant for most people. Don't expect this native of South Africa to tolerate light or very little water like a snake plant or philodendron would.

Think of the Gerber daisy the same way you would think of a long-lasting cut flower arrangement - a temporary visual attraction that you might need to get rid of.

Gerber daisies are pampered and snuggled in greenhouse conditions that cannot be reproduced in a typical room.

Still, it is worth $ 5 to have a plant with flowers so perfect and vibrant that they bring joy to your nightstand. While it lasts, it will also do a great job of removing traces of organic pollutants from the air.

Fiddle Leaf Fig

The fig leaf (Ficus lyrata) is one of the most modern indoor plants, due to its frequent appearance in personal magazines, television programs, and blogs.

Its large leaves are its focal point, so providing adequate lighting is essential for your plant to thrive in a bedroom.

Fiddle-leaf figs thrive in the shade of the forest, but indirect light from an east-facing window helps these plants thrive.

Place your fiddle fig leaf in a pebble dish filled with water to increase the humidity near the plant. In short, the fiddle leaf fig likes everything in moderation, including light, water, and temperature.

Many or few of these will cause your plant pain.


Classic philodendrons are as important today as they were in the 1970s for people looking for an undemanding houseplant.

They are just as happy to crawl in a hanging basket in a corner as they are to steal the show like a reticulated specimen.

Philodendrons tolerate a wide variety of light but can be a bit subtle if conditions are too dark. Less is better when it comes to watering, and you can easily root new plants in a pot of water if you decide to propagate multiple plants in a collection.

Spider Plant

Let the personality of the spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum) breathe fresh and fun air into your room.

Most people know the spider plant, also known as the airplane plant, for its ability to produce several "young" stems that hang from the parent plant.

You can leave these plants in place or cut and replace them for gifts or use in other rooms.

Spider plants do well in any light conditions with medium humidity. If the tips of the leaves turn brown, collect rainwater to water the spider plants, as they are sensitive to fluoride in tap water.


The fleshy leaves of aloe vera plants (Aloe barbadensis) need a bright spot in the room, but you won't mind if you forget to water for a few weeks. These succulents produce offsets that you can remove to start new plants.

These new plants can serve as substitutes if you remove the leaves to collect the healing gel for cuts and sunburn.

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Plants for Your Bedroom

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