DIY Kokedama or Moss Ball Planters

Kokedama is a centuries-old form of a garden, just like the practice of bonsai, and it's making a comeback. This Japanese technique makes plants thrive indoors and makes a great hanging display.

Whether you're looking for an ornament to fill the corners of your small apartment or need something to kill time to keep you occupied on a rainy day, these hanging moss balls are easy to make with just a few materials.

How does Kokedama work? Start by mixing peat moss and bonsai soil, then slowly add water until the compost sticks together like a ball. This will be your base, then wrap the roots of a plant in moist sphagnum moss, tie it with string, and insert it into the ball of soil. Finish with sheets of moss and more twine to secure, then spray with water.

Once your kokedama is ready, don't just hang it up. It will also make an impact in a transparent container or on a wooden shelf.

We hope you enjoy this video about DIY Kokedama:

Source: Garden Answer

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