Planting Stonecrop In Your Garden

Stonecrop is a succulent sedum plant (Sedum spp.), Ideal for arid garden areas. Growing stone plantations is one of the easiest plant projects due to its easy maintenance and low growing requirements.

Most of the stone plants grown in the garden have their origin in Europe and Asia, and find their way to North America and other places in the world through exploration, trade, etc. - many of which ended up naturalizing, growing freely in nature (as occurs with the wild form, Sedum ternatum).

They are in the genus Crassula, which encompasses many of our favorite succulent houseplants, like Jade plants, as well as old-time garden favorites like Echeveria.

Perennial Stonecrop will thrive in warm, sunny locations and reward you with easy shapes and colors.

Stonecrop Succulents 

The succulent stone planting family is large and includes low-growing creeping plants and tall plants with pointed flowers that can reach up to 31 cm in height.

All rock-collecting plants are rosette-shaped and most produce a flower that is held up on the base foliage. The leaves are thick and semi-glossy.

There are also a large number of hybrid types available. Perennial stone-grown flowers are rich in sweet nectar and attract bees, moths, and butterflies.

Colors vary but generally belong to the pastel family. The flowers can remain on the plants until early winter, adding dimension and interest to the succulents even when they dry out.

Stonecrops cultivation

They can grow indoors in warm sunny places or outdoors. The Stone Harvest plant is perfect for gardening in pots, on rockeries, along paths, or as part of perennial borders.

Stonecrop succulents rarely have pest problems and are not bothered by disease. Stonecrop does not have a deep root system and can be buried shallow in the ground.

They do not tolerate competition from weeds and other plants, but a cover of small stones helps to minimize these pests. Plants need well-drained soil, rich in organic additives.

Young plants should be watered every few days during establishment, but watering may decrease thereafter and no supplemental water is needed in fall and winter.

If planting in pots, use pots that are made of unglazed clay to promote evaporation of excess water. Overwatering is the most common cause of rock collection problems.

Plants need a low nitrogen fertilizer applied several times during the growing season.

Stonecrop propagation

Plant Sedum is one of the easiest plants to reproduce and most members of the stone culture family can be similarly propagated.

All you need is a leaf or a piece of stem. Planting stone seed stalks shallow in a very sandy medium or placing a leaf on the surface of sandy soil will result in a new succulent in no time.

The plant material will take root in a few weeks, producing entirely new stonecrop.

Stonecrop varieties

Some of the most common gifts and houseplants are found in the Stonecrop family. The jade plant has already been mentioned, but Kalanchoe, silver beads, a pearl necklace, and other succulents with colorful names are also in the family.

Sedums are one of the largest groups and include Pink Chablis, Carmen, Purple Emperor, and the towering Autumn Joy.

Autumn Joy has large flowers on a tall stem that are great additions to dry flower arrangements.

We hope you enjoy this video about care tips for Stonecrops Succulents:

Source: Mountain Crest Gardens

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