Here's Your Ultimate Guide to Organizing Your Refrigerator

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How to Organize Your Refrigerator -Β  Step by Step

A well-organized kitchen can not only make dinner prep much faster, but it can also make small spaces appear larger. But even the most organized kitchen is useless if your refrigerator is a total mess.

We are all guilty of stuffing food into all the cracks and empty corners of the fridge, but organizing it will save you time and, most importantly, money, as you won't lose as much food month after month.

To make the most of your space, we asked some professionals from the organization to advise us on the creation of a storage system for each refrigerator. With these simple steps, you can reduce food waste and make it easier to find each ingredient at dinner.

Do a Fridge Deep Clean

The first step is always to clean the refrigerator thoroughly. Regular cleaning of the refrigerator is essential to keep it organized.

We recommend cleaning at least once every three months to dispose of lost or missing items in the back, wash shelves and drawers, and crimp and group as needed.

Quick tip
If this is your first time working with your refrigerator, make a note of everything you have and focus on the items you use the most when setting up your system.

Pick a System You Can Maintain

There are many suggestions for where to put each food in the refrigerator, but the best storage system is the one that will actually preserve it. Consider your family's habits and the foods you need the most, and start there. Items you use daily should be at eye level, making them easy to pick up and store.

Don't be afraid to customize your refrigerator to suit your needs. Many challenges in organizing refrigerators can be solved by moving the height of the shelf. If you buy tall drinks, make sure it is tall enough to store them properly, as well as put other larger items on the shelf.

Once all the shelves are clean, decide what kind of space you need for your family before putting them back.

Add Plastic Bins

No matter where you decide to put your food, you should always create "zones". This gives you the freedom to move them around while you decide which system is the best for you. For example, meat should always be preserved with other meats, while dairy products should come out with other dairy products.

An easy way to keep areas tidy is with refrigerator-safe plastic containers. Use containers to divide the space into zones. Baskets help you put together similar items and give small items a home. The right baskets can help you maximize the space in your refrigerator.

Utilize the Door Correctly

The refrigerator door can sometimes turn into a random garbage container. Rather than treating this as an afterthought, pay special attention to the refrigerator door. This is one area of ​​your refrigerator where certain foods really shouldn't go.

Since the refrigerator door has a less constant temperature, it is not good to have any type of milk there. Instead, use door shelves to group condiments, toppings, sauces, jams, and pasta.

Quick tip
Focus on foods that don't die easily; avoid anything that contains dairy, meat, or vegetables.

Prep Your Groceries

If you eat a lot of fresh produce, consider doing all the prep work before putting it in the fridge. The best way to keep a refrigerator organized is to always pre-cut and slice before putting it away.

My goal is to help your future self. Wash and cut fruits and vegetables. Make healthy choices the easy way and pack healthy snacks in reusable containers.

Making it easier to pick a handful of berries than a bag of potato chips will not only encourage your family to eat healthier but will also ensure that you never waste fresh produce.

Dedicate a Shelf to Leftovers

If your family likes to take out food, consider dedicating an entire shelf to leftovers. Leftovers usually get lost in the bottom of the fridge, but if you dedicate a shelf to leftovers, you'll always know where to find yesterday's meals.

Leftovers should be eaten within three to four days and should always be stored in an airtight container to prevent the odor from entering other foods in the refrigerator.

We hope you enjoy watching this video about Refrigerator Organization Ideas

Source: LGQUEEN Home Decor

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