How to Build a Couch (DIY)

Buying a sofa is the natural way when you need a large and comfortable piece of furniture in your living room.

But how about building a sofa? Yes, it's a new idea, but it's gaining momentum as DIY makers churn out creative new sofa designs that are simple and fun to build.

These DIY sofas use materials from your local home center, and you don't have to be a veteran carpenter or upholsterer to assemble them.

1. DIY Two-Piece Upholstered Sectional Couch

The motivation behind this DIY sofa was not so much cost savings as space.

This sofa is a modern two-piece section that prioritizes wood and clean lines. He found that one of the benefits of the additional wood is that it reduces upholstery costs.

Building this DIY section

This DIY sofa uses two-by-four for the base and plywood for the back and sides. You will need a variety of woodworking tools, including a miter saw, drill, circular saw, and nail gun.

In addition, you will need a pocket jig, a small, practical, and inexpensive device for drilling holes at an angle.

The cushions are made of foam cut to size and wrapped in envelope-shaped cushion covers.

2. DIY Plywood Sofa/Lounger

For small apartments, studios, guest rooms, or a home office that combines work with napping, a sofa bed is essential. Loungers come in a few varieties, some upside down, some flat, but this DIY lounger stays in place.

In sleep mode, the pillows are removed to reveal a generously sized 36-inch wide bed, perfect for afternoon naps.

Building this DIY sofa bed

The beauty of this sofa bed design is that most of it is made from 3/4-inch plywood. This means you have fewer small parts to assemble.

The hardest part of this project is dividing two by six plates into narrower plates. But once that's done, it's just a matter of assembling the large pieces of plywood. This is a simple, fast, and inexpensive sofa to build.

3. DIY Twin-Bed Couch

Convertible sofa bed large enough for a single mattress.

The trick here is that the slats in the middle of the bed and the slats on the side of the sofa are intertwined. When intertwined, the slats form a sofa.

Spread the slats to form the bed. It is such a simple operation that it adapts to guests without problems.

4. DIY Platform Couch

This DIY platform sofa is worthy of both the outside and the inside of the house. For the exterior, the designer made sure that the cushions could be easily removed and replaced.

Also, their slim frame is less likely to collect water than heavier frame sofas. For the interior, the material of the sofa frame, maple, is ideal for you.

Building this platform sofa

What makes this sofa platform is its flat base where the cushions rest. Factory-built sofas are often complicated, with coil springs for upholstery.

Dispensing the coils makes this a much easier project. Although there are two cavities in the deck where the designer adds a nylon net, the net is only there to help drain the water.

If this platform sofa were inside the house, the straps would not be necessary. This platform sofa is relatively easy to build because it incorporates pegs for the legs, back, and arms.

DIY storage sofa

Sofas are so large that they swallow up much of the free space in your room. What if you could build a sofa that would give back some of that space?

DIY sofa with an upturned seat to reveal ample storage space underneath for pillows, sheets, and even a lightweight duvet. This sofa is easy to build, with an upholstered seat made from a foam rubber camping board.

We hope you enjoy watching this video about DIY Mid-Century Modern Sofa

Source: Modern Builds

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Last update on 2025-03-02 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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