The Best Pet-Proof Floors For Your Home

Pets are great for the heart, but they can be tough on the floor in your home. Being animals, they do not understand the effect that their claws and drooling spots can have on various materials.

At the same time, if you have a new puppy or kitten in the house, accidents can happen and a bad floor in your house can cause permanent discolorations.

You would not select a pet that is not very suitable for your family and you should adopt the same rules for your floors. But what type of flooring works best for pets?

Fortunately, there are several popular pet-proofing options that can help solve these problems, so let's take a look at them:

Ceramic tiles

Ceramic tiles are made from a mostly clay mixture that is fired to create a very hard and durable material that will not break or crack even under great stress.

It is often coated with a layer of fused glass enamel that increases the strength of the part, making it virtually impervious to stains, water penetration, and any accidents or scratches that a pet may bring into the home.

Like vinyl, ceramic can also be printed to adopt a wide variety of colorful or faux natural decorative patterns.

Vinyl flooring

A vinyl floor is resistant to just about anything you throw at it.

The dog's larger claws won't scratch it, the cat's sharper claws won't pierce it, and if an accident happens, the vinyl won't get stained as long as you clean it in a timely manner.

It's often a great option for homes too because it can be printed to match any look or decor, and it can even be installed over a quilted finish to create a more comfortable home environment.

Natural stone

Cracked stone refers to materials such as slate, granite, and limestone, where the surface has been left undefined. This creates a rough dimensional appearance that resembles the face of a mountain.

The rough appearance of the surface means that scratches from the pet's claws won't do much damage, and as long as it's sealed, a stone floor can be proof of any accidents puppies might make.

Although natural stone is a tough tile material, it does have some downsides for pet owners. First, it is naturally porous, which means it will need to be sealed regularly to avoid staining.

Brick floors

This material, like stone flooring, can be a rustic, earthy, and inviting way to give your house a cozy and homely feel.

At the same time, with proper maintenance, you can be proof of all the problems that pets can cause. It has to be sealed regularly like natural stone, and it is also quite hard but has an inherently cozy feel that is comfortable in many settings.

Linoleum floors

Linoleum used to be a flooring staple in the first half of the 20th century, but it has fallen out of favor due to cheap, low-quality knockoffs that have given the material a bad name.

However, its popularity is on the rise, especially in kitchens, as the demand for green building materials increases.

For pet owners, Linoleum flooring offers many of the tough qualities of vinyl flooring, but without environmental concerns indoors or out.

We hope you enjoy watching this video about the best floors if you have pets:

Source: High-Tech Flooring and Design
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