Build an Easy DIY Moss Pole for Climbing Plants

Are you looking to provide your houseplant with a moss pole to help it climb? While moss poles can be purchased at some nurseries and online stores, they're easy to make at home (and cheaper, too!). Also, you can customize the height and width of your moss pole to fit the plant you need.
A moss pole is a sturdy stick or post covered in moss that encourages plants to grow (instead of down or sideways).
There are many different plants that can benefit from a moss post. Common climbing plants include monstera deliciosa, pothos, heartleaf philodendrons, Brazilian philodendrons, arrowhead plants, and more.
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Any plant that has aerial roots can be adapted to climb a mossy pole, and many plants will grow larger, more lush foliage when given a chance to grow vertically.
Create a moss pole for your indoor climbing plant in under an hour with just a few simple tools and supplies.
We hope you enjoy this video about DIY Moss Pole for Climbing Plants:
Source: Epic Gardening
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Last update on 2025-02-12 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
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