DIY an EASY and Beautiful Clay Terrazzo Planter

Many people wonder what terrazzo is. To easily answer that question, it is a building material capable of forming many unique finishes.

We can describe it as a composite, poured-in-place, or precast material for precast tiles used for floors, foundations, walls, steps, countertops, and... pots/planters? Yes! it can be used on many custom items. Now, terrazzo tends to be an expensive material, that's why this time we want to show you an easy method to get the same effect using clay and a few cheap materials, great for your budget.

Do you love the trend of terrazzo? You can easily add modern flair to your home with this simple DIY clay planter! This simple project is so much fun to do and it looks gorgeous and luxurious.

This video tutorial by Alexis Middleton will walk you through every step of this great project. Learn how to make your own DIY clay terrazzo planter. It's a fun and easy project with really beautiful results!

We hope you enjoy this video about DIY Terrazzo Panter:

Source: Alexis Middleton

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Last update on 2025-02-07 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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