DIY Easy Wood Pallet Potting Bench

If you suffer from arm and leg pain after exercising your green thumb, you may be looking for a potting bench. Freestanding outdoor furniture (sometimes complete with a sink and storage!) serves as a comfortable and convenient workstation while you're out in the garden.

While you can find these potting benches for sale, there's really no reason not to make your own using recycled pallets.

In this video from Lovely Greens, the author shares the entire process of how to use a wooden platform, plus a few seconds boards, to create the perfect DIY potting bench. It takes a few hours to build, requires a few tools, and costs practically nothing to do.

We hope you enjoy this video about DIY Wood Pallet Potting Bench:

Source: Lovely Greens

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Last update on 2025-02-09 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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