5 Portion Size Mistakes That Are Easy to Avoid

Do you think you are doing a good job following a healthy diet? You must be. But it is very likely that you are eating too much food. Almost everyone makes portion size mistakes, especially when trying to lose weight. These are the foods that most of us overeat.

Serving size errors

Take a look at this list of commonly eaten foods. You are likely overreacting on at least one of them. Remember that even healthy foods can harm your diet if you eat too much.


When was the last time you measured your cereal before putting it in a bowl? Have you ever checked the Nutrition Facts label to determine the correct serving size?

For some cereals, one cup is the recommended serving size. But the American Diabetes Association lists 3/4 cup as a suggested serving. If you pour cereal directly into the bowl, you will likely eat up to two servings. And if you refill the bowl (as most of us do), you can eat 3-4 servings.

Chicken breast

Lean protein is healthy, right? Not if you eat a lot. If you are eating a whole chicken breast for dinner, you may be eating too much.

The recommended serving of chicken is 3 to 4 ounces, the size of a deck of cards. Some people use the palm of their hand as a guide. Depending on the vendor, some chicken breasts are double or even triple the size of a recommended serving size. The calories in chicken breast can add up and ruin your diet.


If you count the hamburger as a serving of meat, you are probably underestimating the calories you have consumed.

A quarter pound (four ounce) hamburger is slightly larger than the recommended serving size of three ounces. But many burgers, especially those served in restaurants, cost between 1/3 and 1/2 pound. You may be eating twice as many calories as you think.


If you're packing a healthy bite of a lean meat and veggie sandwich on whole wheat bread, congratulations! You're probably saving yourself the harrowing calorie test you'd experience if you went to a restaurant. But did you accurately record the calories in your whole wheat bread? If you think your sandwich equals one serving, think again. For many baked goods, a single serving is just one slice of bread. Maybe consider a bread swap.


A healthy serving of fresh fruit is a great alternative to a high-fat dessert. But if you are counting your calories or monitoring your sugar intake, you need to monitor how much you are eating. Take grapes, for example. If you sit down with a bowl of grapes, you can add a serving of grapes to your food diary. Wrong!

A single serving (cup) of grapes equals only 16 grapes. Get out your calculator before you start chewing.

The best way to manage portion control is to measure your food with inexpensive kitchen tools like a measuring cup, measuring spoon, or (my favorite) a digital scale. You can also measure food without a scale, but calibrated tools are more accurate. Then quickly check out the correct weight loss portion sizes posted nearby for reference.

Then accurately record food with a calorie counting app. Most apps and websites allow you to customize your serving by adding each food item. You might be surprised how simply measuring your food makes a huge difference to your food intake and probably the way your clothes fit.

We hope you enjoy watching this video about to portion size 

Source: Hoag Health

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