Complete Guide to Digging & Planting Your First Vegetable Garden

Creating a garden at home is a great way to eat fresh, healthy food while teaching your kids where food comes from. Starting a new vegetable garden is easy to do. You can start any time of the year, but spring and fall are the best times to get started.

The best way to start a vegetable garden is to work one area at a time. Dig the soil well to remove weeds and rocks, and level it for easy handling. You can sow some seeds directly into the ground, read each seed packet for instructions. Pre-warming the soil with a hood can improve germination rates and means you can seed earlier.

Watch the video tutorial below and learn some tips to start your garden.

We hope you enjoy this video about How to Dig and Plant Your First Vegetable Garden:

Source: Gary Pilarchik (The Rusted Garden)

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