How to Grow Tarragon from Seed to Kitchen!

Tarragon, also known as tarragon, is a perennial herb that you might be surprised to learn is part of the sunflower family.
There are actually two types of tarragon. The French is more widely available and has a stronger flavor than the Russian variety. The French strain (Sativa subspecies) is the one our tips will focus on.
The plant has long light green leaves and can reach a few feet in height. Just one plant will generate a generous amount of leaves to harvest.
Grow Fresh Herbs at Home – Discover Essential Tools and Planting Kits!
Tarragon is native to the temperate regions of Europe. It is hardy and easy to grow in a sunny or partially shaded location in well-drained soil. It thrives in spring temperatures and does not do well in excessively hot climates.
Tarragon may not be the most attractive herb, but it is tasty, easy to grow, hardy, and drought-resistant.
We hope you enjoy this video about How to Grow Tarragon:
Source: Rainbow Gardens
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